military science
Rotc Student Is Like An Indentured Servant?
a: An rotc student ~
b: an indentured servant
What: "Bourke goes on to compare an ROTC student to an "indentured servant" who sells away 4 years of his or her life to get an education. This implies that I don't want to enter the Navy, but am forced to by lack of funds. This is just not true. Becoming a naval officer is one of the best opportunities I will ever have, and even if I weren't offered any money, I would still stay in the program." This is a letter to the editor that is critical of the above comparison.
Writer: Sumner Anderson
Date: Aug 2 2011 12:47 PM
# 940 Critique Analogy
Afghanistan As Vietnam
a: Afghanistan ~
b: Vietnam
What: "So, seeing this assessment of Vietnam reminds me that there are some general (pardon the pun) dynamics of fighting these kinds of wars, and wasting time seems to be one of them."
Writer: Steve Saideman
Date: Mar 12 2012 5:34 PM
# 1726 Critique Analogy
Worse Than Vietnam
a: Afghanistan ~
b: Vietnam only worse
What: What makes Afghanistan worse than "Vietnam is doubt that we can truly win the hearts and minds. The factions are too immense and we are constantly in denial. Tribes, loyalties that constantly change, corruption, money and drugs, religious fanaticism. Need I go on? In the Nam, with strong Special Operation Forces, (Green Berets), we stood a chance, a good one to fight to a standstill and at some point when Ho realized we were not leaving, he would have negotiated. The Taliban has no reason to negotiate."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Mar 12 2012 5:43 PM
# 1730 Critique Analogy
Afghanistan As Hell
a: Afghanistan ~
b: a hell
What: "The US government imposed on my people a cartoon of democracy with bloody hands. That's why today Afghanistan is like a hell."
Writer: Malalai Joya
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 12 2012 5:56 PM
# 1737 Critique Analogy
Afghanistan As Stool
a: Afghanistan ~
b: a three-legged stool
What: "Afghanistan is like a three-legged stool, and all three legs need to be strong for it to stand. First, it needs a military leg to reverse the Taliban gains and win on the battlefield in Afghanistan."
Writer: Kathleen Troia "K.T.
Date: Mar 12 2012 6:02 PM
# 1739 Critique Analogy
a: Afghanistan ~
b: the war in Vietnam
What: "While I was in Vietnam, I remember giant supply depots full of stuff, from ping pong balls to beer, paid for by the American taxpayer. So, who's keeping track of the War on Terror billions? Thieves hide behind American flags and hope we salute instead of reading the fine print. So, yes, in some cases, the war in Afghanistan is like the war in Vietnam."
Writer: Stanley Campbell
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 12 2012 6:11 PM
# 1741 Critique Analogy
Afghanistan As Ex-girl Friend
a: Afghanistan ~
b: The Ex-Girlfriend That Broke Your Heart
What: "Sometimes when I read this stuff I feel like Afghanistan is like an ex-girlfriend that broke up with you. You're still really in love with her, but she has clearly moved on and you keep coming up with ways to win her back, and maybe for a brief time you patch things up . . . but in the end she kicks you to the road because she just really doesn't think you're the one."
Writer: Michael Cohen
Date: Mar 12 2012 6:26 PM
# 1745 Critique Analogy
Who Cares
a: Afghanistan ~
b: Vietnam
What: "Afghanistan is like Vietnam, except no one gives a shit, eh?"
Writer: Not stated
Date: Mar 12 2012 6:33 PM
# 1746 Critique Analogy

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