Modern Art
a: A country club republican ~
b: Modern Art/ Aestheic theorist or theory
What: Country club Republican social status as modern artist are to aesthetic theory Unity and social exclusivity. The country club people exclude the less wealthy, the theorist exclude those who don't understand and accept the theory. At these extremes it's all about exclusivity and homogeneity.
Writer: mattyflynn
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 20 2009 10:47 AM
# 25 Critique Analogy
Color Proporations
a: Red green ~
b: Blue Yellow
What: In the LAB color space, Red is to Green as Blue is to Yellow. See the picture in the link
Writer: mattyflynn
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Sep 30 2009 2:23 AM
# 85 Critique Analogy
Complexity Progression
a: Crayola law ~
b: Moore's Law
What: "Research suggests the number of Crayola crayon colors doubles every 28 years; as this is similar to Moore's Law for transistors, this effect has been dubbed Crayola's Law."
Writer: elisasaLucy
Date: Jan 24 2010 2:21 AM
# 276 Critique Analogy
American Aesthetic
a: American aesthetic ~
b: childlike design
What: "There is an aspect of the American aesthetic that approaches design like a child. There's a giddy lack of propriety, a joyful dismissal of taste, a love of big colors and sparkle."
Writer: Stefany Anne Golber
Date: Apr 6 2010 2:13 AM
# 368 Critique Analogy
Japanese Aesthetic Influence
a: Manga influence ~
b: Japanese prints influence on impressionism
What: Currently many in the comic book world are aware of the influence that Manga has had on English graphic novels. But this is not the first wave of aesthetic influence that Japanese art has had on Western culture. Many impressionist artist were tremendously influenced by Japanese block prints in the mid to late 19th Century.
There is a even a word for this process: Japonism.
Writer: mattyflynn
Date: Oct 15 2010 6:25 AM
# 633 Critique Analogy
a: An autochrome ~
b: a stained-glass window
What: "It yielded a grainy, positive image of muted pastels on a glass plate: a stained-glass window of the recent past". Check out the link. I demonstrates what these early color photographs actually look like at a whole. On a microscopic level, the autochrome "is like looking at a pointillist painting, a miniature Georges Seurat."
Date: Oct 18 2010 3:30 AM
# 638 Critique Analogy
The Detail Of Cubism
a: The detail of cubism ~
b: the harmonic deatil of chord changes
What: "I had the chance last monday to visit the SFMOMA. The MOMA had a Pablo Picasso exhibit. It was F@#$&^% phenominal! The detail of cubism is like the harmonic deatil of chord changes."
Writer: Mikel Soria
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 4 2010 11:57 PM
# 668 Critique Analogy
Defining Art Is Like A Dog Chasing Its Tail......
a: Defining art ~
b: a dog chasing its tail
What: "The twentieth century taught us that any attempts to define 'Art' simply provide an opportunity for someone else to try to break that definition. It is like a dog chasing its tail."
Date: Jul 18 2011 1:45 AM
# 902 Critique Analogy
My Hair Is Like Long Thin Strips Of Tan Wood
a: My hair ~
b: long thin strips of tan wood
What: "My hair is like long thin strips of tan wood, dangling from my head.
My eyebrows are like hairy black caterpillars.
My eyes are like dark green M&Ms.
My eyelashes are like long black centipede legs." The link is to a writing program. This is sample from the metaphor page.
It was on the site,, but now the whole site gone.
Writer: Stephanie Robillard
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 6 2011 11:17 AM
# 969 Critique Analogy
Color Is Like Number
a: Color ~
b: Number
What: Or it can be. The linked article is about using math and modern color instruments to quantitate the color in well known paintings. This is a very interesting process that more artist should tune into. As usual, the Japanese are ahead of the curve.
Writer: Mitsuo Kobayashi
Date: Aug 14 2011 3:15 PM
# 1099 Critique Analogy

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