Random Analogies

Catholic Sex

a: The catholic leity ~
b: Breeding stock for the Roman Curia

What: My girl friend ,from years ago, grew up in Thailand. She's thought the Catholic teaching on sex was kinda stupid. She said it reduced human beings to animals. The logic of her argument is pretty clear: Animals have sex to reproduce Catholics have sex to reproduce Therefore Catholics are animals, farm animals. The laity are farm animals bred for the power purpose of a bunch of Authoritarian Italians. Of course, they(we) are well educated farm animals, but farm animals none the less. Now, there's nothing wrong with animals. It's just that Human beings are more than just another animal, despite what many misinformed and misanthropic people might think.

Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 20 2010 9:08 AM

Sodium As Annoying Kid

a: Sodium ~
b: an annoying kid

What: "Sodium is like that annoying, socially awkward kid who just can't take a hint. No matter where you go, he's there, usually sporting some short jorts, trying to get your attention. He knows he's not welcome, at least he should, but he can't take a hint. And then you're bloated."

Writer: Nina
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 13 2012 6:19 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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