

Molecules Pulled By Current.......

a: Electrophoresis ~
b: an electric 100 meter dash

What: "Electrophoresis is like an electric 100 meter dash. But instead of 1 person running in each lane, think of 10,000 molecules running in each lane. Intead of running on a track, electrophoresis races are run in agarose gels. And instead of being driven by legs, the dyes are driven by electricity."

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 7 2013 9:52 AM

a: Electrophoresis ~
b: filter with very small holes

What: "The actual gel used in electrophoresis is like a filter with very small holes in it, and has the consistency of gelatin, or agar."

Writer: Andrew Bhagya
Date: May 7 2013 9:53 AM

"introduction To Forensic Science"

a: Electrophoresis ~
b: stream containing many nets with holes

What: "One analogy that has been used is that gel electrophoresis is like a stream containing many nets with holes in them placed across the stream (the stream's current is analogous to the electrical charge running through the gel). The smallest fish in the stream pass through the nets most easily and will emerge downstream the fastest. Larger fish travel through the netting obstacles more slowly and, therefore, emerge at a later time. In a similar fashion, the smallest fragments pass through the gel fastest and travel the farthest. Larger fragments travel more slowly and are found closer to the starting point."

Writer: J. T. Spencer
Date: May 7 2013 10:00 AM

A Horse As A Molecule Moving Through Space?

a: Electrophoresis ~
b: the horses races

What: "The DNA transfer and film stages are like something I've done in Art class.....The gel electrophoresis is like the horse races...."

Writer: Josh Curtis
Date: May 7 2013 10:07 AM

Molecular Motionas Football Game

a: Electrophoresis ~
b: molecular football team

What: "Gel electrophoresis is like The running back is small and fast, whereas the lineman is big. If both of the players were told to run down the field and see how far they could get in 10 seconds, the running back would go further. Just like in the gel the smaller pieces travel farther."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 7 2013 10:10 AM


a: Electrophoresis gel ~
b: a kitchen sponge

What: "The gel serves as a solid mesh to support the biological sample as is it separated by the electrical field. The gel is like a kitchen sponge, but with a microscopic network of holes and connections. For DNA samples, generally a gel is made like you would make jell-o, by heating up a polymer (agarose) with liquid, poring it into a mold, and allowing the network to solidify. (Fun fact: agarose is made from seaweed, and is actually in some products like toothpaste and gummy snacks!) For protein samples, generally a finer network (smaller holes) is required, so a gel is made of a different polymer (acrylamide).

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 26 2013 5:43 PM

a: gel electrophoresis ~
b: the stuff in the linked page


Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 18 2017 8:41 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.