successful marriage


Too Much Dampness

a: Successful marriage ~
b: Building A Fire In The Rain

What: "It is in the art of the marriage relationship that a husband and wife grow together in conflict and quiet resolution. It's kinda like trying to build a fire in the rain. It can be done, but boy it sure takes a lot of extra work."

Writer: Lon
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 8 2013 3:13 PM

Things Grow And They Live And They Die Or...

a: Successful marriage ~
b: farming

What: "183 Remember that creating a successful marriage is like farming; you have to start over again every morning."

Writer: koykom
Date: Mar 7 2013 9:08 PM

2 Cards Against The Middle

a: Successful marriage ~
b: two boards leaning on one another

What: "I once heard an analogy that a successful marriage is like two boards leaning on one another. If one board leans too hard, the other will fall over. It's a balancing act. And that balancing act can be scary."

Writer: Beth Dozier
Date: Mar 8 2013 3:15 PM

Bouncy To Successfulness

a: Successful marriage ~
b: a springboard to great life success

What: "Great accomplishments depend upon the support of great relationships. Great relationships are deeply harmonious relationships. The single most essential relationship tip for a successful marriage is for the individuals involved to remain committed to maintaining a harmonious relationship."

Writer: Bob Lancer
Date: Mar 8 2013 3:18 PM

From The Bottom To The Top.....

a: Successful marriage ~
b: building a house

What: "Building a successful marriage is like building a house. First you build the foundation, which is the same good old - marry the right person!......Then you build the "floor" , which would be some basic and some pretty sophisticated maintenance skills."

Writer: Elena Tonetti
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 8 2013 3:20 PM

A Broken Car That Needs Some Work

a: Successful marriage ~
b: car without a warranty

What: Most new cars look pretty good and will last a while without having to do much. But then over time things begin to slowly breakdown, wear out and go out of style. Likewise with a marriage, there are lots of good starts and things go good for while, but then over time, things start to wear out and need rejuvenation. But, unlike new cars that are fantastically built and come with warranties, marriage requires the individuals themselves to do most if not all of the repair work themselves.

Writer: Matt Flynn
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 8 2013 3:25 PM

a: Successful marriage ~
b: clapping

What: "A successful marriage is like clapping; it requires both the partners' involvement. If either of the partner fails in this then the marriage turns into a sham. Immense responsibility rests both with the wife and the husband."

Writer: Not
Date: Mar 8 2013 3:27 PM

a: Successful marriage ~
b: an elegant ship

What: "A successful marriage is like an elegant ship sailing through the waters and storms of life. The problem with all ships is that they get barnacles- ugly little unseen monsters that attach themselves to the bottom of the boat. Soon the vessel is stuck dead in the water-like the marriage that is going nowhere as the partners peacefully coexist. Little things, like the irritations of misunderstanding that come with wrong expectations, build up."

Writer: Hans Finzel
Date: Mar 8 2013 3:33 PM

a: Successful marriage ~
b: triangle

What: "A older man once gave Crista and I the following advice. 'A successful marriage is like a triangle. As long as you are both moving toward the top point, which represents Christ, then you are not only getting closer to God but to each other.'"

Writer: Michael Tidwell
Date: Mar 8 2013 3:36 PM

Needs Some Fertilizer

a: Successful marriage ~
b: tempermental plant

What: "A successful marriage is like growing a temperamental plant - you have to work hard and tend to it carefully, as Alice Buckle is just discovering." A book about marriage and figuring out what it's all about.

Writer: Melanie Gideon
Date: Mar 8 2013 3:38 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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