justin bieber
Justin Bieber Is Like Kurt Cobain
a: Justin bieber ~
b: Kurt Cobain
What: There are 10 reasons listed. There are also a lot of nasty comments. Some of them justified. Take a look, there are points of parallels between the 2, but their styles are completely different.
For example: "Both are tragically misunderstood by society." There are 9 more.
Writer: Tanner Ringerud
Date: Sep 29 2011 11:54 AM
# 1371 Critique Analogy
Justin Bieber Is Like A Wart
a: Justin bieber ~
b: a Wart
What: There are 16 reasons listed. Maybe the the most tangible link: "Warts are most popular among young kids."
Writer: Rolf
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Sep 29 2011 12:00 PM
# 1372 Critique Analogy
Justin Bieber is like a "young Frank Sinatra"
a: Justin Bieber ~
b: early Sinatra
What: "Shia LaBeouf has said that Justin Bieber is like a "young Frank Sinatra" because of his presence when he walks into a room."
Writer: Shia LaBeouf
Date: Sep 29 2011 12:05 PM
# 1373 Critique Analogy
Justin Bieber =james Bond??
a: Justin bieber ~
b: the young James Bond
What: "Justin Bieber is like the young James Bond, while Selena is the Bond girl, more like an Ursula Andress-type Bond girl."
Writer: kwm
Date: Sep 29 2011 12:07 PM
# 1374 Critique Analogy
Justin Bieber=Smoking?
a: Justin Bieber ~
b: smoking
What: "Justin Bieber Fact # 12: Justin Bieber is like smoking, the damage he does to people should be illegal, yet some people actually want it around. Over-hearing a Justin bieber song is the equivalent of second hand smoke. It's the same thing for smoking; please go outside while you listen. No one wants that around. Plus it's illegal in most places in Illinois."
Writer: Kristy69
Date: Sep 29 2011 12:10 PM
# 1375 Critique Analogy
Justin Bieber=Pavlov's Bell
a: Justin Bieber ~
b: Pavlov's Bell
What: "Justin Bieber is like the bell to the Pavlov's Dog Fan Girls. He starts singing, they start believing he loves them, and then they murder all those who stand in their way. And by 'stand in their way' I mean 'has also never met Justin Bieber.' "
Writer: Alida
Date: Sep 29 2011 12:14 PM
# 1376 Critique Analogy
Justin Bieber=Exotic Wall Mart Food
a: Justin Bieber ~
b: the exotic food they sell at Wal Mart
What: "Justin Bieber is like the exotic food they sell at Wal Mart at certain times of the year, some people love them, some people are scared to even try and judge by the looks. STOP JUDGING!"
Writer: thisperson
Date: Sep 29 2011 12:21 PM
# 1379 Critique Analogy
Justin Bieber=Power Drill to Your Head
a: Justin Bieber ~
b: Taking a Power Drill to Your Head
What: Dr. Melanie Canard, author of the study "Listening to Justin Bieber is Like Taking a Power Drill to Your Head", had this to say about the study."
Writer: Dr_Zinn
Date: Sep 29 2011 12:24 PM
# 1380 Critique Analogy
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.