jackson pollock


Jackson Pollock is like visual music

a: Jackson Pollock ~
b: visual music

What: "I love abstract art. Jackson Pollock is like visual music to me. I love the rhythm of his work. I also appreciate Miro, especially the blue series. This kind of art appeals to me because it picks out the essentials of beuty, like color, geometry, rhythm and composition."

Writer: PoleFighter
Date: Jun 22 2011 9:20 AM

a: Jackson Pollock ~
b: Marlin Brando of Painting


I was in an Art History class, and this was the final comment in one of the recent lectures. Are there points of unity between these 2? They were both in their prime at about the same time, the mid to late 1940's to the mid fifties. They both were from the inner part of the US. Both their styles relied on improvisation from form, Jackson with his painting style and Brando with his ability to slide around the dialog specified in the script. Both also, in there personalities, represent a masculine irrationality in there work and in their personal lives.

Writer: Lucrezia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 14 2015 6:01 PM


a: Jackson Pollock ~
b: James Dean


In Terms of Death, yes. They both were most active in the same time period. Both artists died in car crashes. Yes sir-ee...

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jun 10 2015 4:16 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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