inner ear


a: inner ear ~
b: the shell of a snail


"The inner ear is like the shell of a snail. It is called the cochlea. The vibrations make waves in the fluid"

Writer: Nilabho Dhar Chowdhury
Date: Oct 30 2016 4:33 PM

a: inner ear ~
b: instrument with thousands of tuned string


"In effect, our inner ear is like an instrument with thousands of tuned strings, played upon by air vibrations in our environment. The range of possible interactions between those ''strings,'' all registering different segments and intensities within the sound spectrum, accounts for the enormous variety of tonal impressions we can experience."

Writer: Hans Fantel
Date: Oct 30 2016 4:33 PM

a: inner ear ~
b: three hula hoops filled with motor oil


"Imagine the balance part of the inner ear is like three hula hoops filled with motor oil. The three hoops are all oriented in three different planes, and together they act like a gyroscope. The fluid inside the hoops shifts when you turn your head, and that fluid shift triggers the little nerves lining the inside of the hoops (called hair cells) to tell your brain which direction your body is moving."

Writer: Dr. Ferguson
Date: Oct 30 2016 4:36 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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