indian economy
Anand Mahindra, chairman and managing director of the Mahindra Group and co-chair of the meeting, said: "The Indian economy is like a giant flywheel. It's not easy to get it going and it takes some time and momentum. But things are moving. You don't try big bang reforms. Usually big bangs leave a big crater on the ground. You need steady consistent reforms – a reform a day. In my own experience, things like licences to produce have been opened up. In India, we basically need to clean the pipes."
"I must add this: I have come to learn, over the last few years that the Indian economy is like a complex number. It has a real part and an imaginary part. The latter is covered by CNBC, Bombay Stock analyses, and Ivy-league university economic theories faithfully imported and regurgitated in Indian colleges, .."

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