a: index ~
b: a printed telephone directory
"Searching in a database index is like searching in a printed telephone directory. The key concept is that all entries are arranged in a well-defined order. Finding data in an ordered data set is fast and easy because the sort order determines each entries position. "
Writer: Markus Winand
Date: Feb 22 2014 8:28 PM
a: Index ~
b: tabs on a file folder
What: "A database index is like the tabs on a file folder in your filing cabinet. A database index is like the clothing size indicators on the clothing "From:Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Administration: Real World Skills for MCITP
Writer: Tom Carpenter, James Pyles
Date: Feb 22 2014 8:30 PM
a: index fossil ~
b: bookmark
"Explain that an index fossil is like a bookmark of sorts. It is used by scientists to help date specific rock layers. Only fossils that are abundant, existed as a species for a relatively short time, and are dispersed around the world are designated as index fossils."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 13 2019 11:26 AM
a: index fossil ~
b: major news stories
"Revisiting our newspaper analogy, index fossils would be the equivalent of major news stories recorded by all countries (e.g., the fall of the former Soviet Union), ..."
Writer: Bernard W. Pipkin, Donn S. Gorsline, Richard E. Casey, Dean Dunn, Stephen A. Schellenberg
Date: Jan 13 2019 11:31 AM
a: index fossil ~
b: gheri curl
""A good index fossil is like a gheri curl--it was widespread, and lots of examples exist in the record of history, but it was only around for a very short time.""
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 13 2019 11:32 AM
Glucose Cluster Bomb
a: High Glycemic Index Food ~
b: Glucose Cluster Bomb
What: High glycemic foods rapidly generate a large quantity of glucose when they are ingested. I don't want to push the association between food and munitions too far, but all that glucose exploding into a body is not good for long term health. Real cluster bombs do their work more explicitly and without a lot more obvious damage. The unifying element is that both entities covert from a solid whole into many at a very rapid rate. The link provides a nice (?) visual.
Writer: mattyflynn
Date: Mar 2 2011 1:41 AM
METAMIA is a free database of analogy
and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search.
The subject matter can be anything.
Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged.
The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with
the stark literalism of a relational database.
Metamia is like a girdle for your muses,
a cognitive girdle.