

a: immunization ~
b: mowing the grass


"But immunization is like mowing the grass -- you get no credit for what you did last year. Every day 11,000 children are born in the U.S. and they are not born immunized. The CDC estimates that more than 1 million preschool children are missing one or more of the recommended vaccinations."

Date: Feb 21 2014 4:40 PM

a: Immunization ~
b: someone showing you poison ivy

What: "Think of it this way. If you had never seen poison ivy before and no one had told you that poison ivy is harmful, you not know to avoid it or that it is a good idea to remove it from your yard until you touch it and get the rash. Immunization is like someone showing you what poison ivy looks like and shows you what happens to people who come in contact with it. You know BEFORE coming across the real thing that it is bad and you know what to do."

Writer: Alex
Date: Feb 21 2014 4:43 PM

a: Immunization ~
b: removing the water from boat

What: "As the CDC says, its like a boat with a small leak: When we started bailing, the boat was filled with water. But we have been bailing fast and hard, and now it is almost dry. We could say, Good. The boat is dry now, so we can throw away the bucket and relax. But the leak hasnt stopped. Before long wed notice a little water seeping in, and soon it might be back up to the same level as when we started. Only eliminating disease can stop the leak. We see outbreaks of measles, chicken pox and whooping cough, among others, when vaccination rates drop. Removing the protection conferred by immunization is like letting the boat refill. Parents need to understand that vaccinations are critically important for both individual and public health."

Writer: Audrey Beem
Date: Feb 21 2014 4:46 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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