identity politics
"You neglect the politics side of identity politics. Identity politics is like a colonial relationship. There is a central state and various local fiefdoms or identities vying for the attention of the ruling or central authority. Local leaders and ambitious individuals denied the direct route to power, will see tthat the means of advancing themselves is via their own particular group."
Using "identity politics" is like using "political correctness" when people mean "not being cruel to other people."
These terms make the majority feel like they're the victims of some conspiracy to elevate other people above them, when those others really just want to be treated equally.
"This inaccurate labeling of identity politics is like catnip for liberals trying to smear leftists as aggressively racist, sexist, etc. Identify politics is good when used well and when it's not you say so, but if every argument that's not yours looks like identity politics to you then you might have a problem. permalink ..."
"A multiethnic society is a very hard machine to assemble and get aloft into the air, and if you get it just right, you can get a multiethnic society to fly, but it easily breaks down. And identity politics is like throwing sand in the gears."
"Alas, identity like a computer virus, spreading from the host system to any other with which it comes in contact. In- creasingly, the term has hardened to become an identity rather than a descriptor. I recently had a butch tell me she didn t want to co-opt my voice" and so only identified herself as "small transgender."

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