hydrostatic pressure


a: hydrostatic pressure ~
b: 100 elephants


"At the deepest parts of the ocean, the horrible, can't-catch-your-breath, lung- and skull-crushing hydrostatic pressure is like having 100 elephants on your head."

Writer: Elizabeth Bastos
Date: Jan 2 2018 9:01 PM

a: hydrostatic pressure ~
b: a big water hug


" The hydrostatic pressure is like a big water hug and feels so good to those sweet children. Now, not all clinics can provide this and if this is so, get your child into a pool and just play! It'll do them good. -Hippotherapy is my latest and greatest medium that I have had the honor and privilege to add to 'The ..."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 2 2018 9:04 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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