human physiology


a: human physiology ~
b: a puppet show


"If human physiology is like a puppet show, then transcription factors pull the puppet strings. They bind to DNA and turn genes on or off, setting in motion genetic cascades that control how normal cells grow and develop. They also help maintain tumor growth, underscoring their importance as cancer drug targets. Yet transcription factors are counted among the most difficult molecules to neutralize with a drug - in fact, no such drugs are currently available."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 17 2014 11:15 AM

a: Human physiology ~
b: choreographed ballet


"Human physiology is like a choreographed ballet. It is gentle and it is fierce. It is logical and it is obedient. If everything performs as it should, there is health. If an event does not obey the rules, there is dysfunction and illness. All we have to do is figure out what the rules are."

Writer: Carol Whiteside
Date: May 17 2014 11:14 AM

a: Human physiology ~
b: the rhythms of nature and the universe


"This focus on prevention stems from Daoism, one of the pillars of Chinese medicine. Among other things Daoism holds that humans are intimately connected to nature and the universe. Human physiology is like the rhythms of nature and the universe. Those rhythms are constantly in the now, not the future, not the past. When we are well, we are in balance with those rhythms; when we are sick, we are out of balance with them."

Writer: Chris Gentry, LAc
Date: May 17 2014 11:16 AM

a: human physiology ~
b: a puppet show


"If human physiology is like a puppet show, then transcription factors pull the puppet strings. They bind to. DNA and turn genes on or off, setting in motion genetic..."

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 22 2016 4:17 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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