human institution
"Every human institution is like a pyramid. Those with power are at the top; they are more important. They judge, observe, and punish the foundation."
"For me, the cross is centrally ironic and political, as the "powers of the world" did exactly what they do, and it didn't work. A human institution is like a castle built on sand, and it cannot and will not be able to impose a perfect order on society. The entire Gospel narrative is a challenge of that."
"If a human institution is like a living organism, it must have one, or, at most, two parent(s)".
This article trashes the the association between human institutions and living organisms. The discussion focuses on the English Jury system and how it originated over the centuries.
Charles Donahue, Jr.
Law and History Review
Vol. 17, No. 3 (Autumn, 1999), pp. 591-596
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