human civilization



a: Human civilization ~
b: decoration of a dead body

What: "The whole materialistic advancement of human civilization is like the decoration of a dead body. Everyone is a dead body flapping only for a few days, and yet all the energy of human life is being wasted in the decoration of this dead body.""

Writer: Śrīmad Bh&
Date: Apr 22 2012 11:20 PM

Where's The Vaccine

a: Human civilization ~
b: disease

What: "Suppose human civilization is like a disease the earth had to go through to strengthen its immune system. This implies that nature is not merely passive, but can influence human consciousness and society in ways that individual humans seldom notice"

Writer: Ran Prieur
Date: Apr 22 2012 11:22 PM

A Real Look Into Doomer Mentality

a: Human civilization ~
b: a forest

What: "Human civilization is like a forest. The trees represent the government, religions, the corporations, the policy makers, while the forest floor (small plants and animals) represents those who are dependent on and/or broken down by the former mention "trees." "

Writer: Jordan River
Date: Apr 22 2012 11:27 PM

The Days Of Our Lives

a: Human civilization ~
b: great soap opera

What: "I lean a bit toward the doomer side of things, which makes me great fun at parties. The truth is, though, life has a way of reverting to the mean. No matter how bad things may seem on a given day, over time they tend to improve. Similarly, just when you think you are on the verge of Utopia, the market crashes, or someone flies a plane into a building. The story of human civilization is like a great soap opera playing out against a series of artificial social and cultural backdrops which are consistently mistaken for permanent institutions."

Writer: MediumTex
Date: Apr 22 2012 11:34 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.