human body


a: human body ~
b: a giant magnet


"The human body is like a giant magnet that attracts and holds onto toxins. Heavy metals, partially oxidized fats, unassimilated proteins, cholesterol deposits, uric acid, plaque, lactic acid and the vast array of chemicals that pervade our water, air and food. These toxins attach themselves in ionized form to joints, organs, arteries, nerves and tissues. This disrupts normal body functions, and creates an environment for disease, allergies, and immune system problems."

I think this is a description of my love life.

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Apr 30 2014 4:50 PM

a: human body ~
b: a flower or a fruit


"Normally, disincarnation (physical death) should occur in old age. The human body is like a flower or a fruit: It is born, grows, blooms, and withers. When it withers, it ceases to be useful to the spirit. The one natural, spontaneous, wise solution therefore would be disincarnation. Only in exceptional instances may disincarnation take place, without loss to the spirit, before man has completed the four stages of earthly existence. For instance, when a spirit belongs to a higher class than the 17th and incarnates on a special mission to awaken mankind or to contribute to moral changes designed to hasten the rhythm of evolution on this planet. "

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Apr 30 2014 4:53 PM

Charged By Hamburgers

a: human body ~
b: a giant battery


"The human body is like a giant battery. We charge it by taking in calories through eating and drinking, and this energy is stored as fat and muscle. As we go about our lives, we release huge amounts of body heat. If we have a diet of around 2400 kilocalories per day, we are essentially burning around 100 kilocalories per hour, which translates to roughly 116 watts of energy. "

Writer: Ryan Matthew Pierson
Date: Apr 30 2014 4:53 PM

a: human body ~
b: a mirror


"The human body is like a mirror, the light coming to the mirror is the cosmic light. We need to align the mirror to certain posture such that the cosmic light completely reflects itself without distortion or deflection."

Writer: Teo Siew Yong
Date: Apr 30 2014 4:58 PM

a: Human body ~
b: television set

What: "The environment is ...the signals are always there, and the cells come and go. And when a cell is present, it can read the signal. And when a cell dies, the signal's still there but the cell's not there. It's sort of like a cell or a human body is like a television set with an antenna tuned to a station. And so right now my antennas are tuned to the Bruce Station, and my body's playing The Bruce Show right here. And what's relevant about this is when we talk about televisions, I say, "The picture tube is dead; it breaks. It's not working." We say, "The television's dead." I go, "Well, the television's dead, but the broadcast - is it still there?" And the answer is, "Well, yes." And you can tell or know that by just getting another television set, plugging it in, turning it on, and then tuning it to the station. And there, oops the broadcast's back on again!"A page on human beings and how they may or may not be like computers.

Writer: Dr. Bruce Lipton
Date: Apr 30 2014 4:58 PM

Man As Machine Metaphor????

a: human body ~
b: bunch of car parts


"Any kind of joint pain, bone pain or bone arthritis has a cause. It's not just that things wear out, and anyone who says the human body is like a bunch of car parts is using the wrong metaphor. They are flat-out incorrect, and they do not understand how the human body really works. Car parts wear out the more you use them because you have gears rubbing on gears, which creates friction and the breakdown of metal, and, eventually, you end up with a gear that's worn out. That does not happen in the human body. You don't have bone rubbing on bone in a healthy human body. The more you use your body, in fact, the healthier your body gets."

Writer: Mike Adams
Date: Apr 30 2014 5:04 PM

a: human body ~
b: jigsaw puzzle


"The human body is like a jigsaw puzzle made of a trillion pieces. "

Writer: abandieri
Date: Apr 30 2014 5:03 PM

a: Human body ~
b: clay pot


"Our human body is like that clay pot. It's value is what it is. And when something incredible is placed inside it, its value increases a hundredfold. When the human pot is filled with valuable clarity, understanding,love, peace, sincerity, fulfillment, it becomes priceless."

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 30 2014 5:05 PM

a: human body ~
b: a vehicle


"Our human body is like a vehicle we drive around our world to do the things we need to do. Using our body we are able to interact with other Souls and elements in this physical world. We are able to try out things, make our own decisions and reap the rewards, good and bad. Using our body to get around our physical world allows to learn a lot about ourselves, other people, our environment and the way things work here."

Writer: Ed Parkinson
Date: Apr 30 2014 5:10 PM

a: human body ~
b: an engine


"The human body is like an engine that continuously generates large quantities of heat, and its radiator, so to speak, disperses heat least effectively in hotter climes."

Writer: Jeffery W. Walker
Date: Apr 30 2014 5:08 PM

a: human body ~
b: the engine of a car


"The human body is like the engine of a car," says NTU President Prof Bertil Andersson. "You go to the garage now to get spare parts for your car. Maybe in future, you get spare parts for cells. Many health problems - deemed to be death sentences 20 years ago - can now be solved with the help of medical devices."

I think I need a new crankcase. Either that or my cam shaft is broken.

Writer: Prof Bertil Andersson
Date: Apr 30 2014 5:15 PM

a: human body ~
b: a whirlpool


"A human body is like a whirlpool; there seems to be a constant form, called the whirlpool, but it functions for the very reason that no water stays in it. The very molecules and atoms of the water are also "whirlpools"-patterns of motion containing no constant and irreducible "stuff." Every person is the form taken by the stream-a marvelous torrent of milk, water, bread, beefsteak, fruit, vegetables, air, light, radiation-all of which are streams in their own turn."

Writer: Alan Watts
Date: Apr 30 2014 5:18 PM

a: human body ~
b: Chariot-Vehicle


The linked page is long discussion about this association. Very well organized with pictures of car in mud and all kinds of useful stuff.

Writer: Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Date: Apr 30 2014 5:17 PM

a: human body ~
b: a very complex robot


"Engineers are always trying to develop sensors to be more like the senses in our bodies. Additional types of sensors measure other qualities, such as temperature and pressure, similar to how we feel with our skin. Engineers often get design ideas for computers and robots from how human brains and bodies work. One might say that the human body is like a very complex robot and the brain is like a very speedy and intelligent computer."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Apr 30 2014 5:19 PM

A Water Bag Held Up With Bones

a: human body ~
b: water bag


"Three-fourths of our bodies is water. The human body is like a water bag. Do we the debtors gratefully thank water? How thirsty does one become en route when one rides a bicycle along a mountain ridge on a hot summer day. There are usually orchards there along a mountain ridge. just think how pleasant the taste of a cup of water being offered would be. It is worth millions of dollars. After drinking such water one might thank the one who provided the water but hardly anyone thanks water. Does anyone say "Thank you, Mr. water?' No, they don't do it."

Writer: Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Date: Apr 30 2014 5:26 PM

a: human body ~
b: space suit


"For John his human body is like one of NASA's space suits. It's a high tech encounter suit adjusted for life here on Earth. That is it, it is nothing more than that."


"The Human Quantum Leap"
page 95

Writer: A.J. Ensor
Date: Apr 30 2014 5:29 PM

a: Human Body ~
b: car


All the details in the link.....

Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 18 2015 12:31 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.