"Honesty is like a plague that contaminates everything it comes in contact with. Be honest with just one person, and they, too, start coughing up little bits of sincerity all over your face. It's wonderful."
Like many human affairs, it's not a 0 or 1 proposition. There are variations and nuances in human behavior and communication. Honesty can be a matter of steps, like the colors of a rainbow.
"honesty is like a dog... it always bites back: I had to talk to my husband about everything that was wrong in our relationship... Big mistake"
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.