

What's That Advantage

a: Homosexuality ~
b: sickle-cell anemia

What: "Perhaps homosexuality is like sickle-cell anemia, and it provides a great (though as yet unidentified) benefit to heterosexuals who carry the gene without expressing it fully. "Very unlikely," writes Ewald. "These defenses tend to involve grossly defective proteins that inhibit pathogens more than they negatively affect the person carrying the trait. No one has yet identified any such defective proteins in gay men." Strike one."

Writer: Caleb Crain
Date: Apr 23 2012 4:17 PM

Chopstick Fights?

a: Homosexuality ~
b: a pair of chopsticks

What: "Heterosexuality is like a fork and knife, but homosexuality is like a pair of chopsticks, there is no fork and everything is complimentary." genius statement. At first I was bothered by these kind of questions but they will go away in a while.

Writer: Zonnic
Date: Apr 23 2012 4:20 PM

Better Get A Sewing Machine......

a: Homosexuality ~
b: pulling a thread

What: "In short, changing The United Methodist Church's position on homosexuality is like pulling a thread, which then unravels the whole fabric...."

Writer: Elizabeth Moreau
Date: Apr 23 2012 4:25 PM

Homos As Gunplay

a: Homosexuality ~
b: encouraging kids to play with guns

What: "From a health stand point it is extremely dangerous for gay men who contract HIV/AIDS at an alarming percentage compared to the rest of the population. Encouraging homosexuality is like encouraging kids to play with guns as long as they wear protection. It is hard to justify homosexuality from an evolutionary view since the survival of the species is supposed to be the overriding goal of this or that mutation. Encouraging homosexuality violates that, if one comes from that perspective."

Writer: BlueCollarTodd
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 23 2012 4:27 PM

Who Is That Girl?

a: Homosexuality ~
b: greatness

What: "Homosexuality is like greatness: Some are born gay, some achieve gayness and some have gayness thrust upon them."

Writer: Naked_Girl
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 23 2012 4:30 PM

Don't Stick It In Too Deep

a: Homosexuality ~
b: nose picking

What: "What is special about homosexual activity which makes it distinct from nose-picking? Both are viewed as unsavory activities by many people, but neither is really minded so long as they're kept behind closed doors."

Writer: Hobbes
Date: Apr 23 2012 4:34 PM

Something To Be Moved?

a: Homosexuality ~
b: mountain

What: "Christ said, "If you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it shall move" (Matthew 17:20). Homosexuality is like a mountain. But it can be moved. Like any other sin, Christ paid it's price on the cross, dying for our weaknesses and sicknesses -- physical, spiritual, emotional, and sexual."

Writer: Barbara Johnson
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 23 2012 4:37 PM


a: Homosexuality ~
b: an addiction

What: "Or speakers like Jerry Anderson, who argues that homosexuality is like an addiction. "God made man and beast as male and female for reproductive purposes. It is only the human that practices homosexuality. Only humans become addicted to drugs and alcohol and plan abortions. It may be legal or politically correct, but these things are still morally wrong," Anderson says."

Writer: Jerry Anderson
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 23 2012 4:42 PM

But Some Dye On That.......

a: Homosexuality ~
b: blonde hair on a black woman

What: "Homosexuality is like blonde hair on a black woman--looks nice to some and accepted by many. But deep down, we all know perfectly well that there is nothing natural about it. I wonder how long it will be before these same lame arguments will be used in favor of pedophilia."

Writer: James
Date: Apr 23 2012 4:47 PM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: race

What: "No, it's not. Sexual behavior is always a choice, race never is. You will find many former homosexuals, but you will never find a former African-American. This analogy falsely assumes a homosexual act is a condition rather than a behavior.."

Writer: Frank Turek
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jan 17 2014 4:29 PM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: autism and schizophrenia


"Homosexuality is like autism and schizophrenia: A few autism/schizo/homo genes have benefits, but too many is bad. If you have two nerdy or creative parents they may give birth to an autistic or schizophrenic child, because the child got too many autism or schizophrenia genes. There's no way for evolution to handle this, and it may be the same for homosexuality."

"Gay men do seem to have certain adaptive traits, because mixing feminine traits with masculine traits can be quite seductive for women, so a little bit of gayness is alright, too much is maladaptive because you won't reproduce."

Writer: meatbowling
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:00 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: non reproductive heterosexuality


"Homosexuality is like recreational and non reproductive heterosexuality and miscegenation and the widespread social acceptance of such behaviors is an indication that Occidental civilization has been replaced by an atomistic view of social relations. In practical terms all such predilections are driven by selfish, physical pleasure divorced from any sense of hierarchal responsibilities as well as a denial by the individual of any sense of purpose as a being that is endowed with a responsibility toward his own folk or the development of an organic civilization."

Writer: Hajo Liaucius
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:03 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: mental diseases


"The whole point of marriage is to produce offspring. Chinese parents wish to become grandparents from their own blood lineage. That is why Xinghun exists in China. Homosexuality is like all other mental diseases. It can be treated. Some murderers were born with the desire to kill just as some pedophiles were born with the desire for children. Gay marriage makes as much sense as a man marrying his dog. I think Chinese have it right. They know the TRUE meaning of marriage. Us Western people have no right to impose our faulty and twisted logic upon them. I love living in China because so-called "gays" are not "in my face". Sure, they are here. So are all others with mental problems. They are not glorified like they are in the West. Why should they be? They are not heroes just like necrophiliacs and zoophiles are not. Who are we to impose our arrogant, self-righteous, patronizing, double standards of the West upon the Chinese. It is another form of cultural imperialism at its dirtiest. "

Writer: Guest686498
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:08 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: Feminism


"Homosexuality is, like Feminism, a crime against Patriarchy. Homosexuality too reveals gender stereotypes to be not natural but a Patriarchal construct."

"Because like feminism, homosexuality too doesn't fit into the idea of macho, aggressive, male-bonding, controlling men and submissive, obedient women who hate other women and whose sole goal in life is to find a man who would be willing to marry them."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:11 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: IQ

What: "I am not advocating homosexuality for all. I am only trying to highlight the facts that are sometimes ignored by most of us just to force upon someone into our own way of life. Homosexuality is like an IQ. Not everyone has an IQ higher than 150. But no one is going to brand a person with high IQ as abnormal or immoral. In fact, he is perfectly natural. Homosexuality is like that. It is rare but natural and normal. It is not a choice, for no one will want to make a choice that would land him into the gaping mouth of a shark. It is a sublime yearning of a body to be true to itself.

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:12 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: any other sin


"The Jewish Law originated with the CREATOR. It would not be reasonable for God to condemn an action that HE knew could not be helped. Homosexuality is like any other sin. All of us have to put forth effort to deal with the temptations we experience in life. I would suggest that rather than trying to convince people of the rightness or wrongness of homosexuality; discuss it with God, after all HE is the one makes the claim that homosexuality is an abomination!"

Writer: David Martin
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:16 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: Race

What: "Answer: No, it's not. Sexual behavior is always a choice, race never is. You will find many former homosexuals, but you will never find a former African-American." "This analogy falsely assumes a homosexual act is a condition rather than a behavior.Skin color is a condition; a sexual act is behavior. Someone could be a "homosexual' in the sense of having gay feelings, but not act on them. The same can be said of a celibate person with heterosexual feelings. So technically speaking, there are no heterosexuals or homosexuals-- there are only males and females. For convenience we call people heterosexuals or homosexuals, when it would be more accurate to refer to such people as "people who desire to engage in heterosexual acts" and "people who desire to engage in homosexual acts." In other words, we are males and females by condition, and heterosexuals or homosexuals by behavior."

Writer: Frank Turek
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:23 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: sickle-cell disease


Position 1: Homosexuality is a chosen "lifestyle," like vegetarianism.

Position 2: Homosexuality is a disease, like schizophrenia.

Position 3: Homosexuality is a biological orientation, like left-handedness, and is neither chosen nor pathological.

Pat Robertson often claims that "obviously" there could not be a gay gene because nature only selects for genes that "increase reproduction." Robertson knows nothing about the subject. Any first-year college genetics student could point out that anti-reproductive traits are selected for all the time. How? Through something called "pleiotropy," the fact that genes have side effects, as do drugs. Nature not only could easily select for a gay gene, but it can, and does, regularly select for genes that *kill us. One example: the gene that nature selects to protect us from malaria. This gene has a devastating pleiotropic side effect-it's called sickle-cell anemia. If it turns out that the "gay gene" is simply another example of pleiotropy, this would suggest that homosexuality is, like sickle-cell disease, nothing more than a biochemical fluke. Why, then, should conservatives cower before the idea of a gay gene? Huntington's disease is caused by a gene, and that makes Huntington's neither "good" nor "acceptable."

A pretty good discussion in the link.

Writer: Chandler Burr
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:28 AM

a: homosexuality ~
b: preventing people from being who they are


"Trying to prevent homosexuality is like trying to prevent people from being who they are. It's like you're trying to make them into a clone of yourself."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:32 AM

a: homosexuality ~
b: a cancer


"Inevitably, we get comments like these: "They aren't born that way. But the majority of them are introduced to [homosexual] behavior when they are still young, effectively rewiring their emotional/physical connections. That's why homosexuality is like a cancer. One cell infects others, which in turn infects others." Note the use of neurobabble - using terms like "rewiring" and "emotional/physical connections" to mask an empty point with seemingly eye-catching jargon. "

Writer: Steve
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:34 AM

a: homosexuality ~
b: the road of rebellion against God


"Anonymous, homosexuality is like the last stop along the road of rebellion against God, the scriptures indicate those that practice this lifestyle possess a reprobate mind, which means they do not fear the judgement of the Lord and in most cases refuse to repent."

Writer: Rodney
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:37 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: oil and water

What: "Mormonism and homosexuality is like oil and water. It won't blend and it won't mix. Any effort towards equalization is futile."

Writer: Brutus
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:38 AM

a: homosexuality ~
b: smoking


"Do you really believe that homosexuality is like smoking, which causes cancer in some people? If so, you would need to amend your earlier proposition to something like, "Homosexuality is perverted for some people." Or, "Some homosexual acts are perverted." But whether the problem is with "some" homosexuals or "all" homosexuals, you would still need to show that this is true, and the World Health Organization doesn't think you can do it. Neither do I. "

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:41 AM

a: homosexuality ~
b: interracial desire


"This formulation holds that homosexuality is like interracial desire. Some scholars also call this intersectional rhetoric in general "like race argumentation."[15] Thus the U.S. legal system attempts to "secure" identity through formalizing the categories of identity, yet at the same time undercuts such certainty by linking and conflating identities across race, gender, and sexuality determinants on the level of analogical discourse."

Writer: Rebecca Scherr
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:44 AM

a: homosexuality ~
b: potato chips


"Denial is a weighty load to bear, as you must openly acknowledge, to yourself, the act and decision of denying yourself something. Now homosexuality is not like a diet, where you deny yourself chocolate cake, or potato chips, although homosexuality is like potato chips in the fact you can't have just one. Living in denial of my homosexuality had great repercussions in my now thirtysomething life."

Writer: R.A. Melos
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:46 AM

Fabolous Down Syndrome

a: homosexuality ~
b: down syndrome


"To me, homosexuality is like down syndrome - a natural and common deviation, but a deviation nonetheless. It is not normal in the sense that we normally mean it, and we make a mockery of ourselves to suggest that it is. "

Writer: Andrew Atkin
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:51 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: other complex personality traits

What: "So, when it comes to monozygotic twins, homosexuality is like other complex personality traits - they may or may not be shared with the chances being almost impossible to determine beforehand."

Writer: Hercules Rockefeller
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:53 AM

a: homosexuality ~
b: a condemned man cursing his guards


"Saying that the last recorded acts of the Sodomites -- the demands for same-gender sex -- are proof that they were destroyed for homosexuality is like saying that a condemned man cursing his guards on the way to his execution is being executed for cursing the guards. Sodom was judged worthy of destruction before the incident with Lot and the angels. And we have examined the complete Bible record of Sodom's sins above."

Writer: Bored in Vernal
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:55 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: any disordered appetite

What: "From these documents, one can gather that the Church teaches that homosexuality implies and is characterized by a tendency towards an intrinsic moral evil (i.e. sexual activity with members of one's own sex), and so is "objectively disordered;" that the inclination by itself is not sinful; that, for some, homosexuality may be incurable; and that no one can be reduced to one aspect of his character. Homosexuality is like any disordered appetite. I may have a bad temper; it is an appetite ordered to an intrinsic evil; it may be very difficult utterly to overcome; and, though it compromises me, it does not utterly explain me. This seems to be the clear teaching of the Church in these citations."

Writer: Christopher Zehnder
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:58 AM

a: homosexuality ~
b: celebrating abortion


"Toward the end of the movie, the minister of the gay church publicly says on national TV that PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) hope the time will come when gays can "celebrate" their difference instead of being ashamed of it. PFLAG is an actual group in the U.S. This is unbiblical in every aspect. Celebrating homosexuality is like celebrating abortion, adultery, pornography or drunkenness. If you want to be saved, then God will save you no matter how deep in sin you may have gone; but only on the premise that you come as a guilty sinner in need of forgiveness from the Lord Jesus Christ. "

Writer: David J. Stewart
Date: Jul 24 2014 11:00 AM

a: homosexuality ~
b: left-handedness


"In Canada, most girls and women who wear pants and shorts are attracted to men. In Canada, many people feel homosexuality is like left-handedness, A minority of people are that way. There is no "problem". People are homosexual or they're not."

Writer: Brenda, London, Ontario, Canada
Date: Jul 24 2014 11:02 AM

The Conflict With Medical Science That Is...

a: homosexuality ~
b: watching a train wreck from a distance


"...whether sexual orientation arises as a result of the mother's hormones, the child's brain structure, or DNA, it is almost certainly an accident of birth. The point is this: Without choice, there can be no moral culpability...Watching the growing conflict between medical science and religion over homosexuality is like watching a train wreck from a distance. You can see it coming for miles and sense the inevitable conclusion, but you're powerless to stop it. The more church leaders dig in their heels, the worse it's likely to be."

Writer: Oliver Thomas
Date: Jul 24 2014 11:04 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: a religion


"As products of a society of broken families, there are many 'broken' people growing up, trying to find love and acceptance in a cold world. Homosexuality is like a religion that seems to tempt even children with a promise of finding gratification, love, and acceptance in its doctrine of so called freedom."

Writer: Edwin & Sophia Christiaan
Date: Jul 24 2014 11:06 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: color


"Put it this way. Homosexuality is like hair color. Your natural hair color is what you are born with and have for the rest of your life. Sure you may not like your hair color. So you cover it up with hair coloring. That just covers what your real hair color is. It is the same with homosexuality. If a gene is a homosexual gene, then you are gay. Depending on the level in your body is how gay you are. Everyone is gay though. Because everyone is at least 10% genetically homosexual. That is how your are able to get along with the same gender in general. Now the homosexual gene never exactly 10%. That is how you are bisexual. But you can be more sexually attracted to men or women. As for gay, anything above the 80 percentile range is predominantly homosexual. There is a scale called the Kinsey scale. It determines how homosexual or heterosexual you are. It is in everyone. And you don't get it from anyone in particular. It is in you from birth. So it is in everyone. Rather people realize it or not, Yes they are technically gay to an extent."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 24 2014 11:09 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: Murder


Writer: Dr Mohammad Naseem
Date: Jul 24 2014 11:12 AM

a: homosexuality ~
b: smoking


"Some twenty years ago, in the infancy of the Internet, I signed up for two discussion groups dealing with Hungary. One was in English, the other in Hungarian. By now I don't remember on which one we had a Hungarian psychiatrist who one day came out with the brilliant observation that "homosexuality is like smoking. One can get hooked but one can also quit." It seems that even twenty years later many Hungarians haven't changed their attitudes. "

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 24 2014 11:15 AM

a: homosexuality ~
b: choosing a flavor of ice cream


"I like chocolate chip ice cream, and I will continue to like chocolate chip ice cream. So there's no worry about me changing to vanilla. I like to, you know, ride my motorcycle. What do you want me to do? You want me to change my behavior and ride a scooter? I'm not into that."

Writer: Rep. Allen West (R-FL)
Date: Jul 24 2014 11:20 AM

a: Homosexuality ~
b: UV light


"Homosexuality is like UV light--it's there, it's real, just not something most can see or understand without a bit of help and explanation."

Writer: George Takei
Date: Jul 24 2014 11:23 AM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.