homosexual marriage
a: Homosexual marriage ~
b: trying to screw two incandescent bulbs together
"Homosexual 'marriage' is like trying to screw two incandescent bulbs together and expecting light to come forth. It's like trying to stick a square peg into a round hole over and over again and expecting a different result sometime in the future."
Writer: GaryDeMar
Date: Jan 17 2014 4:33 PM
a: homosexual marriage ~
b: stopping a bus and
"If homosexuality is not a choice - if it exists as a result of biological forces -- then a ban on homosexual marriage is like stopping a bus, separating the passengers into groups of "white" and "black" and executing the blacks. "
"If homosexuality is a choice - if it is a freely selected system of values - then a ban on homosexual marriage is like stopping a bus, separating the passengers into groups of "Shiite" and "Sunni", and executing the Sunni."
Writer: Alonzo Fyfe
Date: Jan 17 2014 4:35 PM
a: Homosexual marriage ~
b: offering a glass of wine to a drunk
What: "Star Parker, founder and president of CURE, says legalizing homosexual "marriage" is like offering a glass of wine to a drunk."
Writer: Star Parker
Date: Jan 17 2014 4:40 PM
a: Homosexual marriage ~
b: putting a pitcher behind home plate
"Homosexual "marriage" is like putting a pitcher behind home plate or a catcher on the mound. If you own the ball park you can do what you want, but if you've got anything other than one pitcher and one catcher on the field, what you have still isn't called a ball team. "
Writer: JeepersFreepers
Date: Jan 17 2014 4:36 PM
a: homosexual marriage ~
b: round square
"Except they can't, because homosexuals cannot marry each other. A homosexual 'marriage' is like a round square. It is logically incoherent. "
Writer: LonelyCon
Date: Jan 17 2014 4:45 PM
a: Homosexual marriage ~
b: Interracial Marriage
What: "No, interracial marriage was opposed without any valid grounds. Opponents hid their prejudice with false speculation about birth defects and the like. But since all "races" interbreed, there is no such thing as interracial marriage. Actually, there is only one race- the human race. At best, there is inter-ethnic marriage which is still between men and women. Homosexual marriage is between man-man or woman-woman. That's completely different. Interethnic couplings are benign-the man and woman are still designed for one another. But homosexual couplings are harmful because they go against the natural design. In other words, ethnicity is irrelevant to marriage-gender is essential to it."
Writer: Frank Turek
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jan 20 2014 10:31 AM
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