Let Them Role Out.....the Goods.....
a: Hollywood ~
b: Detroit
What: "Indeed Hollywood has often been compared to Detroit". Both of these major industrial centers are engaged n the mass production of commodities. Detroit's output is more standardized,though manufacturer and model differentiate the automobiles that role off the assembly line."
Source: "Looking At Movies An Introduction Film". page 480.
Writer: Richard Barsam
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 22 2013 7:17 PM
a: Hollywood ~
b: under utilized Ferrari
"That said, I think Hollywood's absolutely failing to live up to its capabilities; it could be using the artistic talent it's sitting on to make amazing things and it's using it to make generic things. It's like owning a Ferrari and never going further than the supermarket in it."
Writer: SecretCatPolicy
Date: Aug 3 2014 11:00 AM
a: Hollywood culture ~
b: Disingenuous Friend
What: "Hollywood is like that friend you had that you thought you were really close to. You did lots of things together and enjoyed each other's company. Then you find out it was really one-way street. In fact, Hollywood couldn't care less about you (except your money...maybe) and is ready to bad-mouth you in public when it's not stabbing you in the back. Friends like that, who needs?"
Writer: Sally Callahan
Date: May 28 2010 10:18 AM
a: Hollywood accounting ~
b: lawyering
"Hollywood accounting is like lawyering. They find loopholes in the system and exploit them to their advantage. The less money a film 'appears' to make (or more money it 'appears' to lose), the less tax they have to endure as a company. It's exploitative accounting at its finest."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 30 2016 11:47 AM
Accounting That Sucks In Money And None Can Escape
a: hollywood accounting ~
b: blackhole
"Hollywood accounting is like a blackhole, bullshit so deep that it is unobservable from the outside."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 30 2016 11:50 AM
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