hillary clinton
"The most relevant comparison for Hillary Clinton might be Senator John McCain. In the post-2004 period, Mr. McCain seemed like a formidable general election candidate who could help Republicans hold on to the White House despite President Bush's declining approval ratings."
"Look at Budweiser," an anonymous former campaign advisor to Obama told the Post. "That's what Hillary Clinton is. She's not a microbrew. She's one of the biggest, most powerful brands ever in the country, and recognizing that is important."
"Hillary Clinton is like that annoying girl we all knew back in high school who joined all clubs and activities just so she could have the most things under her photo in the yearbook. She's a collector of titles with few real accomplishments for her life-time at the public trough. "
"I heard someone say recently that there is a difference between the two of them. Bill Clinton has a knack for making people feel like he understands them. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton is like the lady in the library who is always telling everyone to be quiet."
"Hillary Clinton is like the mysterious man behind the curtain in "The Wizard of Oz"" she's nowhere in sight, but still tries to influence, according to Sean Spicer, communications director for the Republican National Committee."
"Hillary Clinton is like a weather vane. She will point in any direction that the prevailing wind is blowing. NOT the kind of president this country needs."
"Undistinguished, hawkish, corporate, opulent, for sale-Hillary Clinton is like a caricature of a Republican. As long as she can obscure that fact from the Democratic masses, from the anti-corporate doves whose social progressivism is far more strident than her own, she will be able to maintain the illusion of the impregnable frontrunner."
"She's a f***ing hawk and like a neocon, practically," he said. "She's surrounded by all these sleazy money types who are just corrupting everything everywhere. But she's going to be the first female president, and women in America are going to be completely invested in her candidacy."
"In non-incumbent presidential elections since Nixon, the modern era of primaries and caucuses and two-year campaigns, the American electorate and the corporate press/media have shown a tendency to go with the fresher, newer face/voice/message. Hillary Clinton is like our Bob Dole. The only rationale for her candidacy is that it's her turn."
"Lacking her husband's uncanny knack for finessing left and right, however-the famous triangulation strategy-she plays the game awkwardly, like a very earnest Vulcan who has closely studied Earth politics. "
"Hillary Clinton is like a good computer. She will run whatever is downloaded and installed, and she will do it well. "
"Hillary Clinton is basically the Yoko Ono of politics. She slept with a leader in his field, every sound she makes is garbage, but somehow sells out a stadium."
"I am sick of Democrats defending Clinton. I don't believe anymore that it is a Republican conspiracy. She is like the character "pig pen" from peanuts. A cloud of incimpetence, graft, greed, and arrogance floats around that woman. "
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