high fashion


And Sometimes It Looks Good....

a: High fashion ~
b: art

What: "High fashion is like art. There is bound to be a niche market who can buy such expensive clothing and accessories. And just like any ordinary women, there's never enough shoes, bags, and clothes to buy so these rich people don't just buy once but whenever they need to."

Writer: Queenie
Date: Apr 2 2013 4:42 PM

Fashion As Conceptual Art Or Art Cars.....

a: High fashion ~
b: a concept car

What: "High fashion is more art, than functional clothing. Unless your Lady Gaga. My mom is into high fashion. The way she explained it to me, is that high fashion is like concept cars. You'll never see a concept car in full production, but you will find different aspects of the concept car make it to full production. Same for High Fashion. They use it to make functional clothing."

Writer: thenewjs23
Date: Apr 2 2013 4:47 PM

It's A Lika Showa Biza......

a: High fashion ~
b: performance art

What: "I think high fashion is like performance art, lots of theatre and experimentation, and that is why it is so much fun to see. Yes, clothing is an art form in so many ways."

Writer: mendofleur
Date: Apr 2 2013 4:49 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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