helper t cell
"a helper t cell is like the tech support helping the user with the antivirus, only it just helps the body act against the virus" An article linking the immune system to computer stuff.
"A Helper T cell is like a snitch telling everybody that there is an intruder so the "killer T cell" will kill the infected cells."
"This helper T cell is like the busboy on the cruise line. He takes a look at the piece of shark, takes a little nibble, realizes it's a shark for sure, and runs off to tell a cook about what he found! The cook, a white blood cell called a B cell, listens to the little helper T cell, realizes that it is indeed a unique shark, and turns into another white blood cell called a plasma cell that is like the head chef on the ship. Basically, the cook got promoted to head chef because he realized there's a unique species of shark in the water that can be caught and used for dinner."
The article relates the immune system and a cruise ship.
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