

a: helium ~
b: a kid who won't share his marbles


This may be said about helium and the other noble gases. As a group they have a low degree of chemical reactivity. Do kid play with marbles anymore? I doubt it. How about a kid who won't share his peanut M&M's.

Writer: Lucrezia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 28 2015 6:43 PM

The Government Makes The Market

a: Helium market ~
b: mortgages

What: "Essentially, when you're the US government and you're a major participant in a market, you can't help but become the marginal price-setter. Whatever Frannie pays for mortgages becomes the market price for mortgages; whatever the government asks for helium becomes the market price for helium."... "In both markets, the government wants out and wants the private sector to take over. But in both markets, the process of disentangling the government from the market is extremely difficult, because it can't just shut down its operations and leave the market to its own devices."

Writer: Felix Salmon
Date: Sep 16 2013 8:20 PM

a: Endothelium of tumor vessels ~
b: plastic wrap


"We were surprised at how thin and fragile the blood vessels are in tumors," McDonald says. "The endothelium of tumor vessels is like plastic wrap, with holes that make it leaky."

Writer: Donald McDonald, MD, PhD
Date: Oct 16 2014 5:28 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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