heart attack
"You now know enough to understand the difference between a mild heart attack and a massive one. A mild heart attack is like the closure of a minor road. It's not going to affect a lot of people. Like the closure of a small road, the blockage of a small arterial branch will only affect a small part of the heart muscle. This means only a small amount of permanent damage will occur. "
"On the other hand, a massive heart attack is like the permanent closure of a large road. It's going to cause mayhem on the streets. This is like the long-term blockage of a large artery supplying the heart muscle, it's going to cause damage and death to a large section of the heart muscle."
"A heart attack is like a house fire, the longer it takes to put it out, the more structural damage that is done," said John C. Harrington, M.D., the interventional cardiologist who is leading the study at Scripps. "By infusing higher concentrations of oxygen into the artery responsible for the heart attack, we can decrease the size of the area of heart muscle that is damaged because it is deprived of oxygen."
"A heart attack is like a plumbing problem - it has to do with circulation."
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