

a: Hardy-weinberg ~
b: Newton's frictionless universe


"In evolution we have seen many students who are perfectly capable of carrying out all of the calculations associated with Hardy-Weinberg problems-they are algebraically adept. However, they do not recognize that Hardy-Weinberg is, like Newton's frictionless universe, an ideal state; a baseline against which to measure changes in populations. They treat the Hardy-Weinberg formula as a tool for solving problems and not as a powerful model to gauge the extent of changes in gene frequency and then as a basis for considering what factors might have caused those shifts in gene frequency."

Writer: Jim Stewart , Cindy Passmore , Jennifer Cartier
Date: Feb 2 2015 10:43 AM

a: Hardy-weinberg ~
b: a swear word


""Hardy-weinberg" is like a swear word around here.IT NEVER HAPPENS! WHY DO I NEED TO KNOW "

Writer: weirdbuglady
Date: Feb 2 2015 10:46 AM

Green Venn Diagram

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