"It is just like peaks and valleys: if a peak is there a valley is bound to be there. And the valley and peak are not against each other, they are part of one phenomenon. If you reject the valley and you accept the peak you will be miserable, because wherever a peak is the valley will be. And the higher the peak the deeper will be the valley. So if you love Everest then you will have to love deep valleys also. Happiness is like a peak and unhappiness is like a valley."
"Unhappiness is like leprosy to Californians.
Unlike in New York (where people tend to wallow in misery) depression and discontent are taboo topics in Los Angeles. In La La Land, something(s) is always 'amazing' or 'exciting' or 'unbelievable', and a typical LA greeting might run along the lines of..."
"Unhappiness is like an abusive lover that we're afraid to leave because we don't believe in our ability to get through life successfully without having him in our lives. "
"Happiness on the other hand, isn't. It's not a show or an emotional whim, nor is it a buzz from a nice Cabernet. It's not obsession over anything. It's relaxation over nothing. It's simple. It needs nothing but you. Happiness is steady when achieved without force, and it can last forever. It's hard to believe, even for me, but this is a realization I've come to at this point in my funky life, and unhappiness has been my funky muse. Unhappiness is a douche but she makes for a great teacher. Unhappiness is like that hot school teacher who strips at night. Useful and yet so unfulfilled. "
"Unhappiness is like feeling cold, we look for external sources of happiness instead of internal ones. "
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.