Credit Rating Agencies
a: A credit rating agency ~
b: unknown
What: So pick your analogy. Are the ratings agencies like architects, or like a publishing company? Or perhaps something else? No doubt angry investors will keep looking for the one that will make them pay.
Writer: Andrew Ross Sorkin
Date: Feb 18 2010 6:31 AM
# 287 Critique Analogy
It True In Baseball Also
a: A good man ~
b: being a goalkeeper
What: "somebody sometime said - being a good man is like being a goalkeeper - you will be always remembered for those goals you missed"
Writer: Rizwan Ishak
Date: Apr 30 2012 4:57 PM
# 1963 Critique Analogy
Prophetic Star Trek Technology- All Our Yesterdays
a: A historical data disk ~
b: compact disks; cds
What: From the linked article....... "Mister Atoz explains that the library contains an archive of historical data disks. Kirk warns Atoz of the planet's imminent destruction and that they must leave immediately. Atoz however, says he is aware of the destruction of his world, and is already prepared. He informs that he will be joining his wife and family soon. He then activates a machine called the "atavachron". By viewing the historic disks, the time portal can send any who enter back in time to the point recorded in the data."
Writer: Not Known
Date: Mar 5 2010 2:29 AM
# 290 Critique Analogy
Blackberry Iphone
a: A smartphone ~
b: Ktarians Mind Game in "The Game"
What: The game portrayed in this episode has an addictive quality, much like todays smart phone. I've noticed many people are transfixed by their smart phones; At school, at work and most disturbing while driving. Does the actual game portrayed in Star Trek have a real life counterpart?
Writer: mattyflynn
Date: Mar 27 2010 9:22 AM
# 354 Critique Analogy
Better Bye A Water Bed
a: A stock base ~
b: mattress
What: "A base is like a mattress. The young ones have good bounce and spring. But an old mattress sometimes can fall beneath your weight."
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 21 2012 4:46 PM
# 1893 Critique Analogy
A Stock Market Is Like An Auction House
a: A stock market ~
b: an auction house
What: "A stock market is like an auction house. It is a systematic method of buying and selling. In a stock market though, it is a common sight to see people shouting and gesturing at one another." This is a good connection. Auction item prices fluctuate based on the demand, as do stock prices.
Writer: Not stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 9 2011 12:20 PM
# 1046 Critique Analogy
The Boy Scout Manager
a: A successful manager ~
b: a Boy Scout
What: According to Tom Kendrick , like a Boy Scout, good leaders should follow 'The Scouts Law'. The relevant adjectives are: Trustworthy,Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent. This guy should give a seminar to Wall Street Investment bankers. Those guys could you A Lot of the above.
Writer: Tom Kendrick
Date: May 4 2011 9:14 AM
# 853 Critique Analogy
Some Women
a: A woman ~
b: A tea bag
What: "A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water."
Writer: Eleanor Roosevelt
Date: Jun 5 2010 8:10 AM
# 431 Critique Analogy
Gateway Businesses
a: Affiliate marketing ~
b: Marijuana
What: "Well, lets get into the idea that marijuana is a gateway drug.....Once you get tired, burned out, or want to try something new, you take it to another level like ecstasy, meth, coke, x or y or z....while it's not always a smart idea to start sniffing coke, if you aren't already seeing affiliate marketing as a "gateway business", you should be."
Writer: Justin Dupre
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 20 2012 11:56 PM
# 1759 Critique Analogy
Affordable Energy Is Like Fertilizer For An Econom
a: Affordable energy ~
b: fertilizer for an economy
What: "Affordable energy is like fertilizer for an economy, but taxing it to make it more expensive is like sowing salt in a field."
Writer: Daniel Kish
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 11 2012 1:34 PM
# 1687 Critique Analogy
But Don't Drink Too Much
a: American business ~
b: dry martini
What: "American business is like dry martini cocktail, when it is good, it is very good, and when it's bad, it is still good."
Writer: Dr Nicholas Nvaradi
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 18 2012 9:58 PM
# 1880 Critique Analogy
And Sometimes It Floods
a: American business ~
b: the Mississippi
What: "Today, more than ever, American business is like the Mississippi: fast moving and powerful, ever changing, reflective of conditions, and often perilous.
But it can be successfully navigated with a clear sense of purpose and a strong mission."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Apr 18 2012 10:01 PM
# 1881 Critique Analogy
American Capitalism
a: American capitalism ~
b: a beautiful woman with a bad temper
What: "I've often thought that American capitalism is like a beautiful woman with a bad temper. You want to live with her forever but wonder if you are going to make it through the day. "
Writer: Chris Gibbons
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 17 2010 2:03 AM
# 717 Critique Analogy
American Capitalism
a: American capitalism ~
b: a sailboat trying to go up-wind
What: "American capitalism is like a sailboat trying to go up-wind: it will have to wildly zig and zag in the hopes of ultimately reaching its destination. Meanwhile, everyone else is trying to catch up to us.".....I believe the nautical term is "tacking".............
Writer: Leo
Date: Dec 17 2010 2:12 AM
# 718 Critique Analogy
American capitalism
a: American capitalism ~
b: a wine press
What: "For we who do the producing (or once did the producing back when workers were still considered a necessary evil)the truth is that American capitalism is like a wine press. It squeezes the masses for the money representing their productivity, in a process otherwise known as the virtual economy."
Writer: Joe Bageant
Date: Dec 17 2010 2:30 AM
# 719 Critique Analogy
Self Eating Value Free Market America
a: American capitalism ~
b: monster eating its own asshole
What: The cold war is over. It been done for about 20 years, as this is written. Yet there is whole generation of US elders who still think it needs to be defended from the external threat of international and domestic communism. American capitalism, with its many problems, was defended because relative to a totalitarian state, it was preferred. Now this system, so defended, has evolved, degenerated, into a giant sucking monster that seems to be financially raping the culture that spawned its existence. A monster eating it own asshole it is.
Writer: LucreitaGermanica
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 7 2012 1:21 PM
# 1659 Critique Analogy
Economy With Too Much Debt
a: An economy with too much debt ~
b: running through knee-deep water
What: "It's like running through knee-deep water instead of running on dry ground," says Alan Levenson, chief economist at investing firm T. Rowe Price.
Writer: Alan Levenson
Date: Aug 28 2010 12:49 AM
# 577 Critique Analogy
Marital Deafness
a: Being married ~
b: being deaf
What: "Being married is a lot like being deaf. If you hear the same person talking day-after-day, you literally lose the ability to hear what that person is saying. I will give you two examples from my own life. Both are true. This one happened last week:"...See the link for the whole story.....
Writer: Marital Deafness
Date: Jan 16 2011 12:47 PM
# 767 Critique Analogy
Benjamin Linus
a: Benjamin linus ~
b: a dickish friend
What: "Benjamin Linus is like one of those friends that everyone has who can be cool sometimes, but most of the time is a real d*ck."
Writer: Skull4brains.com
Date: Dec 23 2010 1:25 PM
# 726 Critique Analogy
Biotech Investing
a: Biotech investing ~
b: Gambling In Vegas
What: "Why Biotech Investing Is Like Gambling In Vegas"----see the Forbes Article about the pitfalls of Biotech investing. I say it's more like donating to charity. It's something only the rich should dabble in 'cause you'll probably loose all your investments. And the comparison to Vegas is weak. If you know what your doing gambling, say 21 and dice, the odds are know and are manageable. The Biotech odds are in the 1/10 or 1/50 range. Not a good bet by any stretch of the imagination.
Writer: Robert Langreth
Date: Dec 28 2010 2:03 AM
# 731 Critique Analogy
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
a: Buffy the vampire slayer ~
b: Scooby Doo
What: I've been watching this show on DVD for the past couple weeks. The first season was pretty good. In the middle of one of the Vampire murders, it struck me. This show has the same theme as Scooby Doo. That is, goofiness in the face of fear. The show is 1 part morality tale and 1 part slasher/horror movie. A more powerful message has never come from a cartoon or a TV show. There is a even a Wikipage about the thematic continuity between the 2 shows. It's nice to learn that many viewers have had the same insight.
Writer: mattyflynn
Date: Sep 26 2010 5:22 AM
# 601 Critique Analogy
Stocks In December As Beachwear
a: Buying stocks in december ~
b: buying a bikini in December
What: The link is to an article about buying stocks in December and how that is somewhat like buying bikinis in December. The basis for the statement is somewhat sound based on stock price history. On average, stock prices, find their low at the end of the year. This includes weak stocks as well as strong stocks. So you may not be able to use a bikini in December, but wait Spring or Summer and those December purchase may look much more useful.
Writer: Mick Weinstein
Date: Dec 22 2011 1:31 PM
# 1587 Critique Analogy
Business Analyst
a: being an analyst ~
b: the TV weatherman
What: "Also, no one ever seems to lose their job even tho day after day something unexpected happens in the economy. I guess being an analyst is like the TV weatherman , reality only exists one day at a time."....I say it depends on who a given analyst is working for and what the general agenda of their organization is.
Writer: mediamarv
Date: Jan 26 2011 2:10 AM
# 779 Critique Analogy
a: Capitalism ~
b: bacteria
What: "Capitalism is like bacteria - always seems to win in the end, despite the development of new antibiotics (regulations) that apparently mutate and become ineffective over time." This is superior association. This analogy links the dynamism of capitalism with a very dynamic life-form.
Writer: wisensale
Date: Jul 31 2011 1:18 PM
# 936 Critique Analogy
Child Rearing Experience Is Like A Blacksmiths For
a: Child rearing experience ~
b: a blacksmiths forge
What: "When a parent, in particular women dedicate their lives to juggling the unpaid job of raising their children and for most working a fulltime paid job on the side so to speak. They frequently blossom artistically or otherwise in whatever endeavor they so choose after their child rearing is no longer the primary focus of their lives. This child rearing experience is like a blacksmiths forge breaking them down and recreating them to be more pliable, more malleable, and stronger than ever. "
Writer: Byron Dudley
Date: Jul 18 2011 1:52 AM
# 903 Critique Analogy
China's Economy
a: China economy ~
b: The movie "Speed"
What: Remember the 1994 movie "Speed"? A young cop (Keanu Reeves) had to save passengers on a bus that would explode if its speed dropped below 50 m.p.h. Well, China is like that bus with 1.3 billion people aboard. If the Communist Party can't keep the economy growing at a fast clip, the result will be catastrophic.
Writer: Vitaliy N. Katsenel
Date: Mar 20 2010 9:36 AM
# 346 Critique Analogy
A Metaphorical Restaurant
a: Chuck e cheese ~
b: a free market
What: "Chuck E. Cheese is like a free market. We can do whatever we want. Some can sit around in the balls, some can be entertained by the robotic performers, some can eat their life away in pizza, and some can work hard on the games, perfecting their skill to earn the maximum number of tickets. "
Writer: Joel Patrick
Date: May 18 2013 11:37 AM
# 3247 Critique Analogy
The Ballon Became A Rock
a: Credit ~
b: economic helium
What: "Rising oil prices, the battered housing market and euro area turmoil have all sapped the economy's resiliency. But the biggest reason why growth has disappointed and likely will continue to is that credit has turned from economic helium into a millstone."
The link is a pointed IBD article describing the USA debt situation, both government and house hold. It's about 200% of GDP when both are combined.
Date: Apr 17 2012 6:50 PM
# 1868 Critique Analogy
Credit default swaps
a: Credit default swaps ~
b: Burning down a house you don't own
What: From article:
"See, in everyday life, you can't insure things you don't own. Thankfully, your neighbor can't take out homeowners insurance on your house. If the entire town could buy insurance on one house, they'd have a huge incentive to make sure it was destroyed. They'd burn it down, blow it up, bulldoze it, what have you, pocket gobs of insurance claims for their trouble, and happily move onto the next town. For good reason, laws prohibit this."
Writer: Morgan Housel
Date: Sep 6 2009 4:55 AM
# 59 Critique Analogy
Income Inequality
a: Criticizing income inequality ~
b: Complaining that a computer carries a higher price
What: "Income inequality is an effect. The cause is the difference in people's economic production. Criticizing income inequality is like complaining that a computer carries a higher price than a paper clip. Price reflects an object's market value--and the money someone earns reflects the market value of his work."
Writer: Peter Schwartz
Date: Oct 19 2010 4:49 AM
# 642 Critique Analogy
Debt Is Like A Fulcrum And Lever
a: Debt ~
b: a fulcrum and lever
What: "Debt is like a fulcrum and lever," allowing us to lift what we otherwise could not lift. We can buy a home, a car, start a business, or go out to eat and not be bothered with having to wait.
Writer: Dave Ramsey
Date: Oct 25 2011 10:26 PM
# 1447 Critique Analogy
Debt As Sugar Diet
a: Debt ~
b: financial high fructose corn syrup
What: Debt is useful and will help the financial system work. but like all good things, a little if fine, too much can be a disaster. Likewise with corn syrup. It fine to have a little to sweeten food, but a diet that has a high percentage of this stuff will make you slowly ill and give you many chronic diseases, as has been affirmed by much research.
Writer: LucretiaMia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 9 2012 9:11 AM
# 2063 Critique Analogy
a: Easy credit ~
b: Sugar High
What: This is just 10 of them. There are many more on the brink of bankruptcy! This is not because their services are not needed or anything like that. This is simply because the money supply is deflating! Credit has been inflated for 50 years. We borrowed and spent. We inflated the prices. When we borrow, banks create money. We borrowed faster than the GDP growth. It is an artificial sugar high.
Writer: Vincent Fernando
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Sep 23 2009 3:34 AM
# 75 Critique Analogy
Equity analyst
a: Equity analyst ~
b: one man fighting against an army of advisors
What: "At a recent IR conference, retail analyst Tony Shiret complained that, on results day, the analyst is like one man fighting against an army of advisors employed by the company to push its message." This article discusses the balance of power between stock analyst and the IR departments in large companies.
Writer: Tim Human
Date: Jan 26 2011 2:23 AM
# 781 Critique Analogy
Internet Commerce
a: Facebook ~
b: Starbucks
What: "Facebook is like a Starbucks where everyone hangs out for hours but almost never buys anything."
Writer: Chris Dixon
Date: Apr 11 2010 8:08 AM
# 375 Critique Analogy
Some Serious Dope.....
a: Federal reserve ~
b: drug addict
What: "It's sort of like a drug. You get some benefits if you keep using it-you know, run up debt, run up inflation, monetize the debt, make a bigger bubble," he explained. "Just like a drug addiction, the drug addict feels better when he keeps getting drugs."
Writer: Ron Paul
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:10 PM
# 2555 Critique Analogy
The Long Con......
a: Federal reserve ~
b: con artist
What: "The Federal Reserve is like a con artist that is desperately trying to stay one step ahead of everyone else. The folks at the Fed know that the debt that the U.S. government has accumulated is not sustainable and will eventually collapse."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:17 PM
# 2557 Critique Analogy
Murky Watery Economic Metaphors
a: Federal reserve ~
b: the moon
What: "The Fed "has helped raise the tide" he told Dow Jones Newswires reporter Michael Derby today in a video interview broadcast via WSJ.com. But a lot of U.S. employers' boats' "are still tied to the dock or they've sailed to foreign ports," where the regulatory climate is presumed to be more favorable."
Writer: Richard Fisher
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 11 2012 1:40 PM
# 2562 Critique Analogy
Finding a good analyst
a: Finding a good analyst ~
b: finding the best dressed person in a nudist colony
What: "Finding a good analyst is like finding the best dressed person in a nudist colony."...This page is a critical discussion of stock analysis. These a gold prospector analogy in the mix also.
Writer: Afrezza ?
Date: Jan 26 2011 2:46 AM
# 784 Critique Analogy
Finding work on the Internet
a: Finding work on the Internet ~
b: selling your car on Craigslist
What: "Finding work on the Internet is like selling your car on Craigslist. Of your 25 responses, 3 people might really show up. One of them is going to be a pot smoking hippie with no money who will want to barter. One will be a cheap Asian guy that will try to get the car for free and third person will be a middle aged chubby women who will offer to throw in a few favors if you lower the price."
Writer: YahooUser
Date: Jan 14 2011 1:17 AM
# 709 Critique Analogy
General Motors
a: General motors ~
b: an elephant
What: "Revitalizing General Motors is like teaching an elephant to tap-dance. You find the sensitive spots and start poking."
Writer: Roger Smith
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jun 5 2010 8:10 AM
# 430 Critique Analogy
High Frequency Traders
a: High frequency trader ~
b: a tennis player at the net
What: "High frequency traders are like tennis players at the net. It's high risk and very fast. They're in and out in a minute, spotting price anomalies, holding positions for 30 seconds and up to two minutes," .... The linked article about stock trading and hormones.
Writer: John M. Coates
Date: Jan 25 2011 1:42 AM
# 758 Critique Analogy
Rule of Thirds
a: Ideal Picture Composition ~
b: Ideal Portfolio Balance
What: The "Rule of Thirds" brings balance to composition and investing. When composing a picture, cut the picture into thirds height-wise and width-wise. Never put the subject in the middle of the picture, vertically or horizontally. Money management has a similar starting point as far as I am concerned. Put 1/3 of your money in stocks, 1/3 in bonds and 1/3 in cash. After this starting point, move it around as you see fit. Stocks will can give erratic large growth, bonds will give small steady growth and cash gives liquidity. Of course, in both contexts, these rules are an ideal staring points and should be modified to get the optimal effect. The outcome: you feel alright when looking at works of art and less crappy when one of your investments blows up.
Writer: JerryStekka
Date: May 19 2010 7:20 AM
# 396 Critique Analogy
Market Generated Income Differences
a: Income inequality ~
b: Bernoulli's principle in aviation
What: "So generally I agree with you - market generated income differences are not unfair. Indeed, that's the whole point. As I've said before, income inequality is like Bernoulli's principle in aviation. You HAVE to have inequality to create lift". This is kinda sketchy as an analogy.
Writer: danielkuehn
Date: Oct 19 2010 4:53 AM
# 643 Critique Analogy
Investing and sex
a: Investing ~
b: sex
What: The article has jokes and 10 reasons investing is like sex. For example number 7:"Low confidence can keep you out of the market." The rest are funny AND true.
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 4 2011 2:08 AM
# 755 Critique Analogy
Small cap biotech investing
a: Investing in a Small Cap Biotech ~
b: Playing roulette with a rigged wheel
What: This Seattle Times story is a great piece of investigative journalism. The story was written in 2005 and is probably relevant today. The fact that Hedge Funds have paid doctors to discuss their work is something anyone contemplating this type of investment should consider. According to the story, which is very credible, hedge funds have paid doctors to discuss the results of the drug they are working on. These exclusive investors got info, before the company, before the regulatory agencies and before retail investors. As noted, these small biotech usually have 1 drug in the clinic, so information on that drug can significantly move the stock price up or down. These types of exchanges are totally slimy, typically violate NDAs and put individual investors at a severe disadvantage.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: May 22 2010 1:44 AM
# 403 Critique Analogy
a: inequality ~
b: blood pressure
"Economic inequality is like blood pressure: Too high could mean disaster; too low and the economy, or the patient, is sluggish."
This article should be read.
Writer: James K. Galbraith
Date: Jan 12 2017 8:24 PM
# 10716 Critique Analogy
Layoff As Bowel Movement
a: Layoff ~
b: an organizational bowel movement
What: The body, the organization, feeds on the emotional energy of the money it takes in and the people in the organization. The employees can be consumed as psychic sustenance for the leadership. But as with all living things, they body needs to purge. Thus the layoffs. The people who have been psychically digested and can no longer provide emotions energy for the leadership class, are shit out of the system in a process called layoff.
Writer: LucretiaMia
Date: May 9 2012 10:52 AM
# 2075 Critique Analogy
Leave It To Beaver
a: Leave it to beaver ~
b: Berenstain Bears
What: "Leave it to Beaver is like Berenstain Bears. A cartoon about bear family. Both shows dads are Understanding.Jerry dad is understanding and Brother Bear is understanding. Both are boy. But Jerry deal with English test. Brother Bear deal with math test. And deal with a test problem .Only difference is leave it to beaver got a good score on test". Written by shazia4.
Writer: shazia4
Date: Oct 18 2010 2:48 AM
# 615 Critique Analogy
The Economic Collapse For Hipsters
a: Major players involved ~
b: the traditional hipster family
What: "Daddy Warbucks, the successful businessman with several overseas bank accounts (the American Government......"
Writer: Lola Wakefield
Date: Apr 11 2010 7:36 AM
# 373 Critique Analogy
Marketing As Debt
a: Marketing ~
b: debt
What: Marketing is debt. Currently, I'm taking a marketing class. It's surprising the amount of jargon and verbose speech that the marketing types use. Forty words are used when 15 will probably get the message across. I guess that is why there is often so much tension between the technical people and the marketing people. This probably occurs in all industries , especially software and pharmaceuticals. The technical people think the marking people are useless. The markers think the technical people just don't get it. As with many things, like debt,a little marketing goes a long way, if used in the rigtht place and the right time. There should be enough applied to raise awareness of a product. It's like debt in that sense. a little bit will help promote and grow and business, while too much without tending to the substance of the business, will not help much.
Writer: LucyG
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 1 2012 2:47 PM
# 1635 Critique Analogy
a: Monetary policy ~
b: Hail Mary Pass
What: "The Federal Reserve is now faced with a challenge that is akin to threading a needle by throwing a spool of thread across a football field. It is attempting to keep loose money and quantitative easing policies in place long enough not to stymie the nascent recovery while pulling them back in time to avoid massive inflation. It's a Hail Mary pass with an impossibly small target while facing a blitz."
Writer: John Carney
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 7 2009 5:48 AM
# 113 Critique Analogy
Mortgage Backed Securities
a: Mortgage backed securities ~
b: lasagna with several layers of human feces
What: "2000 layer lasagna with several layers of human feces"
I believe good loans are packaged with some small fraction of bad loans. The fraction of bad loans are based on the historical averages of loan defaults. What
the "inventors" of this financial product didn't consider is that there may be a time when the rate of foreclosures goes to an all time high.
Writer: Steven Colbert
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Sep 27 2009 7:54 AM
# 79 Critique Analogy
Home Loans
a: Negative equity ~
b: Victorian debtor's prison
What: "Artificially low interest rates and a government tax credit are luring buyers, but both those inducements are scheduled to end. Defaults and distress sales are rising in the middle and upper price ranges. And millions of people have lost so much equity that they are locked into their homes for years, a modern variation of the Victorian debtor's prison that is freezing a large swath of the market."
Writer: David Streitfeld
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 29 2009 7:37 AM
# 153 Critique Analogy
Onboard A New Team Member Is Like A First Date
a: Onboarding ~
b: firstdate
"Onboarding is a magic moment when new employees decide to stay engaged or become disengaged." An organization needs to dress up for the new joiner to create a good impression and a welcoming environment.
Writer: Emily
Date: Aug 12 2018 6:18 AM
# 11965 Critique Analogy
Personal Finance Is Like Potty Training?
a: Personal finance ~
b: Potty Training
What: "But as you can imagine, things can get pretty messy before they get better. Sometimes your personal finances can be a little messy too. Everyone needs to start somewhere" This is a very funny AND informative article.
Writer: Echo ?
Date: Aug 2 2011 2:28 PM
# 953 Critique Analogy
Analysis Uncoupled From Reality(ptolemy)
a: Poorly informed analyst ~
b: the ancient astronomer Ptolemy
What: "As a professional statistician and former statistics professor, I would
like to make one more point concerning Salzman's comment on data: It
must be coupled with qualitative knowledge of the matter being studied.
Otherwise, the analyst is like the ancient astronomer Ptolemy,
constructing ever more intricate mathematical theories based on totally
false premises (sun revolving around the Earth)." ...This is great comparison.
Writer: Norm Matloff
Date: Jan 26 2011 2:34 AM
# 783 Critique Analogy
a: Prep for sales ~
b: painting your house
What: "Hearing the frustration in my voice, he decided to review the preparation with me.
The furniture had been pulled to the middle and covered so the paint didn't splash on any of it. Yeah, I got that part.
He went on to explain the white blotches on the wall was the plaster to cover the holes and dimples, and the blue tape is to make sure the trim will be separated from the color of the wall and look clean and neat.
And the white was the primer to help the paint adhere and hold the true color.
The very next day, I walked in and voila - a gorgeous, warm taupe on all of the walls. In one day! (Well, one day plus three.) And it was beautiful!
I am not telling you this to teach you about painting. I am telling you because we often forget how most jobs done right are done well with more and better preparation."
Writer: Greta Schulz
Date: Feb 17 2010 2:20 AM
# 286 Critique Analogy
Financial Reform
a: Putting paulson in charge of financial reform ~
b: a big oil executive in charge of developing alternative energy sources
What: "To put him in charge of rebuilding Wall Street is like putting a big oil executive in charge of developing alternative energy sources."
Date: May 28 2010 10:18 AM
# 422 Critique Analogy
Revenue Decoupling
a: Revenue decoupling ~
b: using a steam-roller to crack a peanut
What: "As a regulatory policy mechanism, revenue decoupling is like using a steam-roller to crack a peanut:". This is an arcane discussion of regulating public utilities in Utah.
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 6 2010 12:22 AM
# 609 Critique Analogy
Sometimes It Hurts
a: Sales management ~
b: Brushing a Little Girls Hair
What: "Managing a sales team is very similar. There are a bunch of things sales people yell "ouch" about. Entering stuff into the CRM system, doing expense reports, administration tasks, making cold calls, etc., all drive sales people crazy. Getting sales people to embrace all aspects of their job is no different than brushing my girls hair. You have to engage them in the process. It's sales leaderships job to find ways for the sales team to own the process and to feel like they are participating NOT having something done to them."
Writer: Keenan
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 7 2013 8:13 PM
# 2690 Critique Analogy
It Can Be The Most Difficult
a: Selling a stock ~
b: landing a plane
What: "If an investor has a fast-rising stock, the question is when to sell. Many investment strategies don't even mention that question. It's as if a flight school taught students how to take off but not how to land." The link is a discussion of trying to determine the optimal time to sell a stock. Very useful it is.
Writer: Paul Whitfield
Date: Aug 9 2013 11:34 AM
# 3559 Critique Analogy
Silicon Valley 2009
a: Silicon valley ~
b: Bankrupt store
What: "Silicon Valley is like a bankrupt store up for auction. Quite a few small companies with high innovation and R&D potential can be had for a good price, and many of the buyers are from China and Taiwan."
Writer: Sally Callahan
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 28 2010 10:18 AM
# 424 Critique Analogy
Silicon Valley Economy
a: Silicon valley economy ~
b: A Mavericks Wave
What: Both come in sets, big sets. Both are known far and wide for their power. People flock from around the world to get in on the action. Both can brutally crash down on those who are not prepared for the ride. The trick is to know which wave to catch, how long to ride it and most importantly, knowing when to bail out so you don't get smashed on the rocks. So watch out, you don't want to be high tech equivalent of Mark Foo.
Writer: mattyflynn
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 1 2010 10:22 AM
# 387 Critique Analogy
a: Snoopy ~
b: Winnie The Pooh
What: "Snoopy is like Winnie The Pooh is described The Tao Of Pooh. He's always level-headed and in the moment. I think Shultz wanted to be more like Snoopy and less like Charlie Browne, Lucy, Sally, and Linus. I don't know if the gradual focus on Snoopy meant he was achieving his goal of being more like Snoopy, or if it was a manifestation of that wish, or if it was simply a matter of running out of great ideas."
Writer: Chief
Date: Apr 11 2013 8:12 PM
# 2683 Critique Analogy
Snoopy As South Park Character
a: Snoopy ~
b: kenny
What: "Peppermint Patty is like Shelly
Snoopy is like Kenny
Woodstock is like Ike" A whole discussion about comparing South Park and Peanuts.
Writer: flcl_Wizard
Date: Apr 11 2013 8:14 PM
# 2699 Critique Analogy
Steve Jobs And Frank Lloyd Wright
a: Steve jobs ~
b: Frank LLoyd Wright
What: The unifying points:
They both micro-managed the forms. Jobs controlled all the design elements like Wright. Wright designed his houses as a whole, the yard, the house, the windows, the furniture, the plates on the dinner room table and the dress that the host was supposed to wear. All the elements were all under his control. You see the same type of design wholeness with the Apple products. Apple designs the whole system and controls the technical and aesthetics of every product they make. So were these guys great systematic thinkers, control freaks or both?
Writer: Lucretia Gemanica
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Sep 12 2011 6:08 PM
# 1320 Critique Analogy
Burning Down The Stock Forrest
a: Stock market correction ~
b: Forrest Fire
What: This comment is at ~ 4:00 minutes in the linked podcast. It's a discussion of the stock market correction on or around May 2012. The link is to a really good of stock market dynamics by IBD.
Writer: Matthew Galgani
Date: May 19 2012 3:56 PM
# 2264 Critique Analogy
Investing, Stock Market
a: Stock picking ~
b: beauty contest
What: "so that each competitor has to pick not those faces which he himself finds prettiest, but those which he thinks likeliest to catch the fancy of the other competitors, all of whom are looking at the problem from the same point of view."---The rest is a good discussion of the dynamics of stock picking.
Writer: Jeff Saut
Date: Sep 15 2009 4:09 AM
# 74 Critique Analogy
Stock Trading As Party
a: Stock trading ~
b: a party
What: The people that have the most fun at a party are those that arrive a little late and leave a bit early. They get the most of fun out of the event. Kiss Kiss gotta go, is the way to go. Trading , not investing, has a similar pattern. You want to make sure the stock, the party, is moving and grooving, and then jump into it little by little. Ease your way into it. And once it get going, add a little more, but not too much. Then, and here's the hard part, sense when it's all about to end and make a graceful exit. ie, sell you position.
Writer: LucretiaMia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jun 18 2012 7:21 PM
# 2373 Critique Analogy
Successful Investing
a: Successful investing ~
b: planting acorns
What: "Successful investing is like planting acorns and watching them turn into oak trees. Speculating, on the other hand, is like playing with".....See the link for the rest......
Writer: Steve Sarnoff
Date: Jan 4 2011 2:13 AM
# 756 Critique Analogy
Cnbc Investing Advise
a: Taking investing advice from cnbc ~
b: manager of your favorite ball team
What: "For people who are really invested in the stock market (and individual stocks, not just funds) to take advice from CNBC is like the manager of your favorite ball team getting his advice from some fantasy league message board."
Writer: ThresherK
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Sep 16 2010 11:49 AM
# 584 Critique Analogy
Financial Crisis Metaphors
a: The financial crisis ~
b: a Bazooka, tsunamis and tortoise
What: This article is a critique of metaphors used by financial regulators to explain the nature and depth of the 2008 money implosion. The author offers some alternatives....
Writer: Max Frumes
Date: Jan 16 2011 11:55 AM
# 766 Critique Analogy
The Gorn
a: The gorn ~
b: Godzilla on vallium
What: "I know the Gorn is like Godzilla on vallium, but you can't beat "Arena" for pure entertainment value. "
Writer: Miko Iko
Date: Aug 10 2010 2:36 AM
# 555 Critique Analogy
The H1-b Visa Holder As Indentured Servent
a: The h1-b visa holder ~
b: an indentured servant
What: "As a software consultant, I have interacted technically with many H1-B visa holders over the years. One of the provisions of the H1-B visa program is that the visa holder stay employed. This requirement gave the sponsor of the visa holder tremendous leverage. Visa holders could be forced to take unattractive jobs i.e. low pay, long commutes, forced relocation. In some respects, the visa holder is like an indentured servant." And they want to do more of this....watch out.....
Writer: FedUp
Date: Aug 2 2011 12:35 PM
# 938 Critique Analogy
Howard Stern Show
a: The howard stern show ~
b: A Warholesqe Factory
What: Howard's show has many similarities to Warhol's factory. Both featured a cast of regulars as well as many people who appeared at sporadic intervals.
Both have a central strong ring master type,Howard vs Andy, who relate to a variety of characters who are generally social outcasts and or freaks. The overall tone is one of acceptance and encouragement.
Writer: mattyflynn
Date: Apr 2 2010 4:19 AM
# 364 Critique Analogy
The Put Call Ratio
a: The put call ratio ~
b: a tourniquet
What: "The put/call ratio is like a tourniquet. If you are bleeding and you apply it correctly, you will survive...."---> See the rest in the link....
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 10 2011 3:29 AM
# 757 Critique Analogy
Smartphone Market
a: The smartphone market ~
b: the PC industry in the late '80s
What: "Where the mobile and smartphone market is right now was more like the PC industry in the late '80s and '90s," McCarron said.------>The article is about microprocessor market for smartphones. It good if you are investing here......
Writer: Agam Shah, IDG News
Date: Dec 22 2010 1:41 AM
# 722 Critique Analogy
The Sopranos Vs Lost
a: The sopranos ~
b: The TV show Lost
What: There is a common theme in these TV shows; the commonality is parental issues. I've recently seen interviews and commentaries by the creators of each show. The Sopranos creator, David Chase, is refreshing open about it. He states in the commentaries in the Season 1 DVDs that Livia Soprano is based on his mother and that his relationship with his mother is poor. In contrast, the Lost creators seem to have Father issues manifested in the show. One key example is John Locke's Father. This is a man who swindled John's kidney from him and later tries to throw him out of a 9th story window. This is only 1 example of MANY from LOST. I listened to the commentaries on the DVDs by the creators and they denied any such issues. I wish they could have been as open about this as David Chase, 'cause is obvious, to even a casual viewer that, someone with Father issues was writing or approving scripts for the show.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: Jan 3 2011 2:45 PM
# 754 Critique Analogy
The Charlie Sheen Stock Market
a: The stock market ~
b: Charlie Sheen
What: "Much like Charlie Sheen, who seems to believe that all publicity is good publicity, recent market behavior suggests that we are in the part of the cycle where 'all news is good news'.
Writer: David Einhorn
Date: Aug 9 2011 11:44 AM
# 1036 Critique Analogy
The Stock Market Is Like The Ocean
a: The stock market ~
b: The ocean
What: "A sailor cannot control the ocean, but he can control himself. He studies currents and weather patterns. He learns safe sailing techniques and gains experience. He knows when to sail and when to stay in the harbor. A successful sailor uses his intelligence."
Writer: Not stated
Date: Aug 9 2011 12:43 PM
# 1052 Critique Analogy
The Us National Debt
a: The us national debt ~
b: passive child Abuse
What: Children who have been abused grow up feeling oppressed and constantly weighed upon. Their hearts are heavy and they often develop a mindset that diminishes their health and happiness. Public and private debt has the same affect in the economic realm. It is a huge burden heaped on the younger generations by the old. The 'Elders' of this generation have bequeathed to the younger people a form of economic abuse that will last the lifetime of the younger generation.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: Aug 10 2010 7:33 AM
# 560 Critique Analogy
Tony Soprano's Panic Attack
a: Tony soprano panic attack ~
b: Ginger ale on the skull
What: This analogy is given while Tony is in a therapy session. It occurs in season 1, episode 1 at about 19:20.
Writer: Michael Chase
Date: Jan 2 2011 10:16 AM
# 750 Critique Analogy
Us And The World As Japanese Style Slowdown
a: United States Economy ~
b: Japanese economy
What: The link is to an interview with Steven Roache, a noted Economist at Yale. He thinks that given the amount of debt in the US, Japan and Europe, there is little hope for any kind of sustained recovery. The slight upside is that the US population is growing, something that is not true in Japan and Europe.
Writer: LucyG
Date: Jan 27 2012 11:12 AM
# 1630 Critique Analogy
Economic Steroidization
a: Us economy ~
b: Injured runner on steroids
What: "The global economy reminds me of a marathon runner who runs too hard and hurts himself. But now he has another race to run. So he's injected with some serious, industrial-quality steroids, and away he goes."---see the link....
Writer: Vitaliy Katsenelson
Date: Nov 19 2009 1:40 AM
# 174 Critique Analogy
Us Income Distribution
a: Us income distribution ~
b: A Third Word Country
What: "The U.S.? Our income distribution is more in line with Zimbabwe, Argentina, and El Salvador. We think of Russia as the land of oligarchs, but America's inequality is actually slightly greater than Russia's."
Writer: Brett Arends
Date: Jul 21 2010 12:03 AM
# 529 Critique Analogy
Debt Spending
a: Using a defibrillator ~
b: economic recovery
What: "But funding a recovery with huge government spending and massive debt is like using a defibrillator to treat a heart attack. It can work well in short doses, but it's completely unsustainable over the long term."
Writer: Richard Gibbons
Date: Sep 13 2009 12:54 AM
# 71 Critique Analogy
Valuation oriented investing
a: Valuation oriented investing ~
b: being pregnant
What: "Valuation oriented investing is very much like being pregnant. You get to know whether and not when. " See the rest in the link.....
Writer: William Smead
Date: Dec 14 2010 2:26 AM
# 715 Critique Analogy
The Wall Street Pinto
a: Wall street ~
b: the auto industry in the seventies
What: "Wall Street is like the auto industry in the seventies, which had a product that was dangerous and exploded on impact."
Writer: Nicole Gelinas
Date: May 28 2010 10:18 AM
# 421 Critique Analogy
The Wall Steet Oligarchs
a: Wall street ~
b: A Russian Oligarchy
What: "There were a very tiny collection of super-connected industrial figures, these oligarchs. They were bankers mostly. And there was this circular process of government gives tons of money to banker; banker then scams the public and returns money to politicians who in turn keep giving money back to the bankers." ........The link has a video of this situation being discussed. I wish more people would wake up to this situation. It is the elephant in the room.
Writer: Matt Taibbi
Date: Feb 5 2011 9:04 AM
# 797 Critique Analogy
Wall Street As Soi Cowboy
a: Wall street ~
b: Soi Cowboy
What: "It's easy to understand why the world economy is collapsing, if you think of Wall Street as Soi Cowboy: bar girls are the banks; their customers/boyfriends are their investors/shareholders; a Cabinet minister swindles them using credit default insurance scams; the generals are the regulators; the Treasury Secretary is a former bar girl." Soi Cowboy is a red-light district in Bangkok, Thailand. The comparison is appropriate.
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 18 2011 6:03 PM
# 1433 Critique Analogy
Wall Street As Corrupt Pharma Company
a: Wall street ~
b: a pharmaceutical company
What: "Wall Street is like a pharmaceutical company pocketing absurd profits by making drugs with fake, cheap ingredients. When it's finally hit with a class action lawsuit, it goes to the taxpayer for a handout."
Writer: Hao Li
Date: Oct 18 2011 6:36 PM
# 1438 Critique Analogy
Wall Street As Guitar String
a: Wall street ~
b: a Guitar String
What: "During a panic, traders exaggerate the perceived distance between the current price and the "right" price, creating wild oscillations that are eventually dampened by the market's natural resistance to excessive trading."
Writer: Lev Muchnik
Date: Oct 18 2011 6:44 PM
# 1440 Critique Analogy
The Most Realastic Analogy Yet
a: Wall street trader ~
b: Kid Playing Dynamite
What: "Wall Street can't be trusted to manage-or even correctly assess-its own risks.This is in part because, time and again, Wall Street has demonstrated that it doesn't even KNOW what risks it is taking. In short, Wall Street bankers are just a bunch of kids playing with dynamite."
Writer: The Daily Ticker
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 14 2012 2:34 PM
# 2139 Critique Analogy
Whole Foods Shopping
a: Whole foods ~
b: Shopping at an Art Museum
What: I'm too frugal (cheap) to shop at Whole Foods, but my friend likes to buy the skin cream there. So we used to go there and walk around looking for beauty products. (She's French and a bit of
a narcissists). Walking around in there I got the impression that
the packaging was similar to the items at museum gift shops; very
well thought,very expensive and great packaging.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 20 2010 8:32 AM
# 521 Critique Analogy
Your Credit As Your Virginity
a: Your credit ~
b: your virginity
What: "Your credit is like your virginity" in that it's "easier to preserve than rebuild." The link is a well spoken comment on money and credit.
Writer: eemusings
Date: Dec 19 2011 5:12 PM
# 1579 Critique Analogy

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