growth hormone
"In a sense, the growth hormone is like a breast augmentation; your insecurity is fed, not fixed. Giving your child growth hormone is assigning him or her a label. Yes, a short child will know that he/she is short because of comparison to peers, but this child also has the opportunity to develop a unique set of ..."
"If human growth hormone is like an orchestra conductor for the body, then the instruments that are played to support the conductor to make inspiring music are the range of biostimulators discussed in the following chapters, with injectable growth hormone being the featured performer. Together they produce the harmony of ...."
"Growth is a very complex process, and requires the coordinated action of several hormones. The major role of growth hormone in stimulating body growth is to stimulate the liver and other tissues to secrete IGF-I. IGF-I stimulates proliferation of chondrocytes (cartilage cells), resulting in bone growth. Growth hormone does seem to have a direct effect on bone growth in stimulating differentiation of chondrocytes. "

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