growth factor


Close, But Is It Nutritious

a: Growth factor ~
b: a fertilizer for cells

What: "A growth factor is like a fertilizer for cells. It increases both the number of cells and their differentiation - that is, it chemically prods cells without well-defined characteristics to become a specific type of cell."

Writer: Dr. Sanchez-Ramos
Date: May 8 2013 10:45 AM

a: Growth factor ~
b: espresso shots for cells

What: "Growth factors are like espresso shots for cells. A cell works at a certain pace to do its job. If we add growth factors (like those in PRP), it's like buying all of the cells trying to repair the area a bunch of Starbucks gift cards. The cells react to the growth factors like people react to triple espresso shots, they work harder and faster. So if we use an example of a construction site, where we have a few brick layers building a new wall, if we add growth factors, our brick layers will build our wall faster."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Feb 22 2014 8:19 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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