"Water experts say groundwater is like a savings account -- something you draw on in times of need"
"Many people think that groundwater is like an underground lake, but it is really the water that is found in the pore spaces between the grains of rock and sediment that make up the structure of the Earth."
"Trying to comprehend Earth's groundwater is like trying to fathom all the information on the Internet. And like the Internet, groundwater gives rise to a considerable amount of misinformation - from books that leave readers thinking of aquifers as "underground rivers" to the EPA's public Twitter feed, which not long ago repeated the common myth that the Great Lakes hold one-fifth of all the world's freshwater reserves."
"Groundwater is like a very large, saturated underground sponge made of sands and gravels. Water seeps through this sponge at varying rates, depending on the permeability of the sands or gravel (Figure 1). Water filters down through the soil until it reaches the aquifer."
A nice article is in the link.
"Groundwater is like dark matter - we know very little apart from the fact that it is hugely important."

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