great barrier reef
"The Great Barrier Reef is like an underwater jungle. It's the home to thousands of species of fish. Such as, clown fish, eels, sea bass, sharks, and baracuda."
"…is the reef. It's great. And it's a barrier. A barrier to the Continental Shelf. That motherfucker can be scary and it's important that the reef keeps Aussie protected. Kind of like a condom. So the Great Barrier Reef is like one huge condom for Australia."
"The Great Barrier Reef is like a sponge cake -- the modern reef is just the last layer," Dr Dechnik explained.
"The great barrier reef is like the amazon rainforest of the sea. Coral provides habitats and food for fish and marine invertebrates, that then feed bigger fish, sharks and humans who eat ocean fish. And because coral regrows quite slowly, any damage done takes a long time to recover."

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