government bureaucracy


Causing More Problems Than They Solve

a: Government bureaucracy ~
b: a leaky dam built directly over a town

What: "A government bureaucracy is like a leaky dam built directly over a town. It mostly fixes the problem while at the same time causing another new set of problems. All the while no one can threaten to get rid of the bureaucracy because the town would be flooded."

Writer: Steve Johnson
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 10 2012 3:10 PM

An Animal That Start Small And Gets Big....

a: Government bureaucracy ~
b: inviting a baby elephant

What: "Love is the greatest power in the universe. Think of the parent-child bond, or the teacher-student bond. Government agencies cannot love like this, though they are charged to do things that only love can do. That starting a government bureaucracy is like inviting a baby elephant to live in your family's log cabin."

Writer: AllAmericanPatriot
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 10 2012 3:13 PM

a: Government bureaucracy ~
b: gun

What: Government bureaucracies, like guns, are merely objects.Guns don't kill people, and bureaucracies aren't corrupt. People kill people, and people are corrupt.

Writer: pescadero
Date: May 10 2012 3:17 PM

Power Games All Over

a: Government bureaucracy ~
b: dealing with your spouse

What: "I think that dealing with government bureaucracies is like dealing with your spouse. It's easier to tiptoe into bed at 3 am after a night out with the boys then it is to turn on the lights and argue with her about your right to go out with your buddies. After 21 years with my wife I have learned that a little creativity and imagination goes a lot further towards me advancing my cause then does a head to head battle. I think the same logic works here. Just my 2 cents."

Writer: Trent
Date: May 10 2012 3:20 PM

Government As Mother In Law

a: Government bureaucracy ~
b: pesky mother-in-law

What: "But once the Jew ties the knot with Israel by making aliyah, the honeymoon quickly fades and the reality of married Israeli life kicks in. For non-Hebrew speakers there are communication barriers; the government bureaucracy is like a pesky mother-in-law who kills the romance with endless, prying demands; it's hard to go out on dates when bogged down by financial worries because the oleh has trouble finding a good job."

Writer: Orit Arfa
Date: May 10 2012 3:23 PM

It's All About The Money

a: Government bureaucracy ~
b: combination of organized crime

What: "Government bureaucracy is like some sick combination of organized crime and a blindfolded, frantic six-year-old swinging at a pinata. They get their taste, even if they have to kill you for it - or, in working for their end, they are going to remorselessly trash a ton of shit. Even a child's vegetable stand."

Writer: matt
Date: May 10 2012 3:24 PM

Knotty Situations

a: Government bureaucracy ~
b: a senseless knot

What: "The government bureaucracy is like a senseless knot that will never be untangled."

Writer: tyan
Date: May 10 2012 3:26 PM

A Beast That Grows New Heads

a: Government bureaucracy ~
b: a hydra

What: "I think we can agree that government bureaucracy is like a Hydra... cut off one head and two more grow in it's place with all the same attributes... I dislike some things in the county government, and I document them, then address them... usually they get worked.. sometimes it takes two visits.."

Writer: Davis Steelquist
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 10 2012 3:28 PM

A Fish That Grows And Drinks All The Water

a: Government bureaucracy ~
b: a goldfish

What: "Government bureaucracy is like a goldfish. If you put a little goldfish into a big fish tank, it will eventually grow to the size of that tank. Increasing the size of that fish tank, called Town Hall, will give the government goldfish more room to grow. Bureaucracies will always justify their existence and their need for more. They are not accountable to the taxpayers. So long as they don't screw up big time, or use town credit cards for escorts, their jobs are pretty much safe."

Writer: Jim Huber
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 10 2012 3:32 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.