

a: Gospels ~
b: four witnesses in a court


"For somebody who thinks the four gospels are like four witnesses in a court trying to tell exactly how the accident happened, as it were, this is extremely troubling. It is not at all troubling to me because they told me, quite honestly, that they were gospels. And a gospel is good news ... "good" and "news" ... updated interpretation. So when I went into Matthew, I did not expect journalism. I expected gospel. That's what I found. I have no problem with that."

Writer: John Dominic Crossan
Date: Sep 2 2014 7:13 PM

a: Gospels ~
b: singers in a four-part choir


"The "harmony" of the Gospels is the agreement of the four biblical Gospels. The four New Testament Gospels are like the singers in a four-part choir. They each have their distinct parts to sing, yet the parts combine to make a beautiful composition. Each of the four Gospels gives testimony of Jesus from a slightly different perspective, but they all tell the same story. Thus, they are all in harmony with one another."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Sep 2 2014 7:15 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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