Google Is Like a Mental Prosthetic?
a: Google ~
b: Mental Prosthetic
What: The linked article discusses how search engines can change the way humnan memory works. But the word "Prosthetic" is the wrong word. A prosthetic replaces something that is missing. If search engine users had NO memory it would a good description. I like "mental adjuvent." An adjuvent is something that helps or assists. This noun is usually used in the context of drug formulation. But it works in memory recall too.
Writer: Rachelle Dragani
Date: Aug 2 2011 2:14 PM
a: Google ~
b: Awkward teenager
" Google is sometimes seen as a giant bent on world domination. But Prasad Setty, Google's vice president of people analytics and compensation, uses a different metaphor to describe his employer in Mountain View.
"Awkward teenager," Setty said."
Better than a demented old man.
Writer: Prasad Setty
Date: Jun 21 2014 2:12 PM
a: Google ~
b: the Borg
"Google is like the Borg," said Milo Medin, a computer networking expert who was a founder of the 1990s online service @Home, referring to the robotic species on Star Trek that was assembled from millions of individual components. "I know of no other carrier or enterprise that distributes applications on top of their computing resource as effectively as Google."
Writer: Milo Medin
Date: Aug 16 2015 9:38 AM
Google Plus As A City In The Desert
a: Google plus ~
b: California City
What: See the link for a comparison of this social network and a city that was planned for the Mojave desert.
Date: May 25 2012 12:33 PM
Google Books
a: Google books ~
b: a haphazardly organized used-book shop
What: "If Google Books is like a haphazardly organized used-book shop, as one university provost has described it, Daniel J. Clancy is its suitably rumpled proprietor."
Writer: Marc Parry
Date: Jul 31 2011 12:44 PM
Google Search Bot
a: The google search bot ~
b: A Yenta
What: I set up a database website and made it searchable by the major search engine bots. All the ip hits and page calls were recorded in MySQL. There are several bots that searched the whole database.
The Google-bot is very thorough. It pokes its nose into every nook and cranny and page call possible in the database. It even started searching the database beyond what I wanted indexed. Sorta like a Yenta, getting into all the parts of my site even through I didn't want it to, a Yenta-bot if you will. Compared to the Google-bot, the Yahoo bot is like an alcoholic father who shows up every other week and falls asleep on the couch.
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: Aug 10 2010 6:46 AM
METAMIA is a free database of analogy
and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search.
The subject matter can be anything.
Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged.
The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with
the stark literalism of a relational database.
Metamia is like a girdle for your muses,
a cognitive girdle.