

Dichotomous Identification Keys(di)

a: Glycolysis ~
b: investing money to make more money

What: "Using 2ATP to start glycolysis is like investing money to make more money." This is a student derived analogy from the linked paper. The subject matter is using diagrams with analogies. The paper states this idea as: "With respect to my project, a DI key is a branching diagram that illustrates the relationship between three concepts at a time using connecting words and lines."

Writer: Robin Francis Tillman
Date: Oct 25 2013 3:03 PM

a: Glycolysis ~
b: kindling

What: "think of human metabolism as like a camp fire. Aerobic is like logs. Glycolysis is like kindling. CP is like paper"

Writer: Rugby Strength Coach
Date: Oct 25 2013 3:09 PM

a: Glycolysis ~
b: water rushing down a white water canyon

What: "Historically, anthropologically, evolutionarily, we didn't need to evolve a control on the fructose metabolic pathway. If the natural pathway for glycolysis is like water rushing down a white water canyon, with a dam at the bottom to prevent flooding, the natural fructose pathway is like a small stream that enters -below- the dam with no control on it. because no control was necessary during our evolution."

Writer: Penel
Date: Oct 25 2013 3:11 PM

a: Glycolysis ~
b: a gumball machine in the cytoplasm

What: "Glycolysis is like a gumball machine in the cytoplasm. You put one sugar molecule in, add 2 pennies (ATP) and get out two gumballs (pyruvate). The gumball machine also gives your two pennies back, plus an additional two pennies! It takes money to make money, right?"

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 25 2013 3:11 PM

a: Glycolysis ~
b: delicious cookie on a platter

What: "The thing about glycolysis is, like a delicious cookie on a platter of them at a party, you can't metabolize just one glucose. A cell has to keep doing this to reap the energetic benefits. So a key feature of finishing up our consideration of the glycolytic pathway is ensuring that it can keep running until the energy needs of the cell in question are met. What does continued glycolysis require?" The linked pdf is a nice lecture on the metabolism of glucose

Writer: rhampton
Date: Oct 25 2013 3:19 PM

a: Glycolysis ~
b: charge that is on your cell phone battery

What: "Glycolysis is like the minimal charge that is on your cell phone battery when you first buy the phone but before you charge it up. After Glycolysis, 2 molecules of ATP were produced (only 2% of the available energy from a glucose molecule)."

Writer: drhglatzer
Date: Oct 25 2013 3:23 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.