Shooting Calcium Into A Cell?
a: Glutamate ~
b: a gun
What: "Calcium is another factor in the glutamate GABA story. If glutamate is like a gun, then calcium is the bullet. Glutamate creates the scenario for excitotoxicity to happen, but the agent that actually destroys the nerve cell is the influx of calcium. The combination of excessive glutamate from any source and too much calcium is major."
Writer: Nancy Mullan MD
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 26 2013 6:06 PM
# 3618 Critique Analogy
Ra Ra Ra..
a: Glutamate ~
b: a cheerleader
What: "Glutamate is like a cheerleader, getting neurons all fired up, so they pay attention and work at top capacity." and "If glutamate is a cheerleader, GABA is a yoga instructor." A good discussion of how these 2 molecules play off each other.
Writer: Adrienne Dellwo
Date: Aug 26 2013 6:20 PM
# 3619 Critique Analogy
Griping The Neuron
a: Glutamate ~
b: the brakes on a car
What: "The neurotransmitter glutamate is like the brakes on a car. "
Writer: Andy Luttrell
Date: Aug 26 2013 6:23 PM
# 3620 Critique Analogy
Balls Of Stuff
a: Glutamate vesicle ~
b: beach ball
What: "These vesicles are like beach balls within the nerve that carry a chemical messenger called glutamate. When stimulated, the vesicles release their chemical to a muscle, and the message is passed from nerve to muscle."
Writer: Stephanie Logsdon
Date: May 15 2013 10:30 PM
# 3255 Critique Analogy

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