"Globalization is like being overwhelmed by a snow avalanche. You can't stop it – you can only swim in the snow and hope to stay on top."
An article on the pros and cons of globalization. Worth a read.
"The engine started malfunctioning, leading to the summer '08 global meltdown fiasco. So now, the natural result, is to go back to multiple engines, independent pockets of self reliant engines, or nations"
"Globalization is like a powerful new medicine, one that offers immense possible benefits but must be used with caution because of the possible side effects."
"If globalization is a technology, it's like a ''fast modem''. The Cold War is more like ''a slow missile radar.'' In short, ''globalization is like a web, the Cold War like a Wall.'' Only The New York Times foreign affairs columnist, the thrice Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Thomas Friedman, can conjure up such delightfully simple images of such difficult abstractions."
"Globalisation is like a giant wave, that can either capsize nations or carry them forward."
"Globalisation is like a two-way street where exports and imports flow fast. Jump in imports need not cause any fear since there will be a spurt in exports too, Karthik P Chidambaram said."
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