He's Talking About The Human Genome....
a: Genome ~
b: book
What: "Imagine that the genome is a book.
There are twenty-three chapters, called CHROMOSOMES.
Each chapter contains several thousand stories, called GENES.
Each story is made up of paragraphs, called EXONS, which are interrupted
by advertisements called INTRONS.
Each paragraph is made up of words, called CODONS.
Each word is written in letters called BASES." This is paraphrase from this very well written book.......
Writer: Matt Ridley
Date: May 7 2013 5:56 PM
Trees Don't Make Buildings....
a: Genome ~
b: the wilderness before civilization
What: "Our genome is like a landscape with lakes, mountains, and rivers, but it is not yet a community or a city full of buildings," said Haifan Lin, director of the Yale Stem Cell Center and senior author of the study. "What this system does is decide where and when to send out the masons, carpenters, and electricians to build a city or a community.
Writer: Haifan Lin
Date: May 7 2013 6:09 PM
Computer Analogy Is No Good....here....
a: Genome ~
b: Darwin’s tangled bank
What: "This is why computer analogies of our genome are bad. Our genome isn't a giant control panel packed with million of switches, blinking lights, buzzers, gauges, and chrome-plated knobs. Our genome is like Darwin's tangled bank, an ecosystem filled with elements that have their own agenda in mind. Function is a fluid thing. Regulatory sites wink into and out of existence. Transposable elements pick up transcription factor binding sites, giving themselves an advantage, but they spread those sites around, occasionally leaving something that, with a tweak, turns out to be useful. Function emerges from, and disappears back into the seething genomic jungle." Or dear what a mess. And by the way Darwin didn't invent anything. He just proposed a plausible mechanism for variability between species.
Writer: Mike White
Date: May 7 2013 6:13 PM
Too Much Information....
a: Genome ~
b: period table of elments
What: "by itself it doesn't tell you how things work-it's the first step along a road."
Writer: Ajit Varki
Date: May 7 2013 6:28 PM
I Just Don't Understand This ........
a: Genome ~
b: a book written in a foreign language
What: 'The genome is like a book written in a foreign language, we know the letters but cannot understand why a human genome makes a human or the mouse genome a mouse', says Professor Jussi Taipale, who led the study at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition. 'Why some individuals have higher risk to develop common diseases such as heart disease or cancer has been even less understood.'
Writer: Jussi Taipale
Date: May 7 2013 6:31 PM
a: genome of a virus ~
b: a trail of breadcrumbs
"Microbes accumulate DNA mutations through time, so the genome of a virus or other pathogen is like a trail of breadcrumbs that can lead researchers back to the source of infection."
Writer: Randy Shore, Vancouver Sun
Date: Feb 2 2015 10:29 AM
a: The Human Genome Project ~
b: sending a man to the moon
"[The Human Genome Project] is like sending a man to the moon. When you think about it, sending a man to the moon is easy, it's getting him back that's difficult. So I think we now need to get the human genome to return to work."
Writer: Sydney Brenner
Date: Mar 4 2017 5:13 PM
a: The Human Genome Project ~
b: basic blueprints
"The human genome project is like just having the basic blueprints in one of the most complicated reverse engineering projects imaginable, ..."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Mar 4 2017 5:15 PM
a: The Human Genome Project ~
b: compiling the dictionary
"If we consider the analogy that the human genome project is like compiling the dictionary for the language of life, then each species, extant or extinct, is like a chapter in the book of nature"
Date: Mar 4 2017 5:17 PM
a: The Human Genome Project ~
b: discovering a new island
"The idea of discovering a gene after the completion of the human genome project is like discovering a new island: It made sense before we had satellite images but today it is outdated."
Writer: Noam Prywes
Date: Mar 4 2017 5:19 PM