genetic material
"Genetic material is like the name most Euro- Americans are given at birth - a combination of elements recombined in other persons "
"Genes code for information useful to run a cell's life. Genetic material is like a reference protocol that is read and followed by cells. The Human Genome Project has revealed that there are probably about 20,000-25,000 protein coding genes."
"May be either DNA or RNA; the genetic material is like a blueprint which tells the host cell to make thousands of new virus parts and then assemble them into new viruses. If the genetic material is RNA, the virus is called a retrovirus."
"Genetic material is like an arsenal – more variation in the DNA means the species is better equipped to deal with different hardships, like a sudden disease outbreak."
"To claim that living beings are nothing but robotic containers for little atoms of genetic material is like a biological Cartesian dualism which states that every being contains a smattering of genetic code which is not effected by the action of its carrier. This is a view of evolution that I find deeply untenable."
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