genetic engineering
" Genetic engineering is like moving a single recipe from one cookbook to another"
A paper that explains things very clearly.
"If conventional genetic engineering is like changing the blade on a screwdriver, then Collins's approach is akin to altering the contents of the entire toolbox at once."
"To engage in genetic engineering is like loving one's personal computer -- to cast one's lot with the forces of apocalypse."
"A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century."
"The precision of GE, writes Jonathan Gressel, lets you control "in which tissue, under what circumstances, and how much a gene will be expressed. This is done without introducing all the extraneous genetic baggage brought by crossing with the related species. Genetic engineering is like getting a spouse without in-laws, whereas breeding is like getting a spouse with a whole village." The traditional method for removing the extraneous genes is with many generations of backcrossing-a blind, random, painstaking process "
"From a scientific viewpoint, genetic engineering is like atomic energy; it depends on how you use it. So while it is difficult to say that all GM crops are bad, there could be situations where they would do some damage, depending on the genes that one chooses to introduce."
"Genetic Engineering is not inherently good or evil. It can be used in various ways that some people would call good or bad. Genetic Engineering is like the technology behind making a knife. Knives can be used for an infinite number of purposes, especially if you have a nifty Swiss one. You can save someones life with a knife, or you can destroy a life. Hopefully nobody disagrees with anything Ive written so far."

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