gene flow
"Gene flow is like tracking the sale of Harry Potter books. If you made a list of all the planes, trains, and automobiles which have shipped them, and all of the web sites and stores which have sold them, you would, at the end of the day, still not have explained a single page without J.K. Rowling. You certainly wouldn't know what a Muggle was."
"genetic drift is like a new single.
gene flow is like a remix.
"Those who choose to take the right path--the path of light--realize that their highest destiny is tied to their DNA, and they also realize that to move higher they must have no gene flow from those who are not of the people because this changes the recipe that makes them and their lines what they are. Such gene flow is like removing the right parts from a machine and replacing them with parts that don't work right in that machine. The way to obtain the least gene flow is to have complete physical isolation from other types."
"Gene flow is like... putting jellyfish DNA in a petri dish with E. Coli and stressing out the E. Coli and forcing them to take up the jellyfish DNA and glow. By putting stress on the organisms in their environment you require them to search for and apply new genetic traits. The E.Coli experiment isn't evolution or even gene flow, but it's the general idea. It's an integral part of evolution, but i think you're correct in saying it doesnt always help."
These are two different human populations. One originates in Germany and now resides mostly in Western Pennsylvania. Mexicans are a mix of Spanish colonist and natives. If a Mexican moved to Western Pennsylvania and married an Amish person, The genes of the two parties would then be mixed in their off spring. The "Genes" would be moving from one region of the world to another.

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