" For people to get the traits encoded in their genes, the genes need to be turned on. You can think of a gene as a recipe. A recipe in a cookbook does you no good until you open the book, get the ingredients and follow the instructions."
"The same is true with our genes. In our analogy, the gene is the recipe and the cookbook is the chromosome (a large collection of recipes). The gene needs to be "read" by the cell in order for it to do what it should. An unread brown or black hair recipe will give you blonde hair. "
"Gene flow is like tracking the sale of Harry Potter books. If you made a list of all the planes, trains, and automobiles which have shipped them, and all of the web sites and stores which have sold them, you would, at the end of the day, still not have explained a single page without J.K. Rowling. You certainly wouldn't know what a Muggle was."
"genetic drift is like a new single.
gene flow is like a remix.
"Those who choose to take the right path--the path of light--realize that their highest destiny is tied to their DNA, and they also realize that to move higher they must have no gene flow from those who are not of the people because this changes the recipe that makes them and their lines what they are. Such gene flow is like removing the right parts from a machine and replacing them with parts that don't work right in that machine. The way to obtain the least gene flow is to have complete physical isolation from other types."
"Gene flow is like... putting jellyfish DNA in a petri dish with E. Coli and stressing out the E. Coli and forcing them to take up the jellyfish DNA and glow. By putting stress on the organisms in their environment you require them to search for and apply new genetic traits. The E.Coli experiment isn't evolution or even gene flow, but it's the general idea. It's an integral part of evolution, but i think you're correct in saying it doesnt always help."
These are two different human populations. One originates in Germany and now resides mostly in Western Pennsylvania. Mexicans are a mix of Spanish colonist and natives. If a Mexican moved to Western Pennsylvania and married an Amish person, The genes of the two parties would then be mixed in their off spring. The "Genes" would be moving from one region of the world to another.
"A gene pool is like a gumball machine containing red, blue, yellow, and green balls (alleles). For 25 cents and a turn of the knob, two gumballs are dispensed from the machine. Two red gumballs, a red and a blue, a yellow and a green, or any of the other possible color combination may result from any one gumball purchase."
"The gene pool is like a refrigerator full of cartons of different kinds of milk ... "
"Having a diverse gene pool is like having a large toolbox filled with tools that you don't use daily but that someday you might need "
"My sister is in an interracial relationship (my family's gene pool is like a fruit punch) and I haven't heard any problems from her end. "
"One of the major potential ways to really cure cancer is to send in genes that counteract the effect of the mutant genes that cause cancer. Gene therapy is like a software patch sent in to fix a bug. DNA is like a really complex piece of software. Once we can rewrite the genetic software to cancel out the effects of cancer-causing mutations we will be able to cure cancer. "
"Now armed with this knowledge there are many disorders that we could fix if we had a way to deliver the right DNA. In many ways gene therapy is like the Cold War. We have nuclear warheads but it isn't going to do any good if we don't have an effective delivery system. A delivery system must first be able to hit the target but it must also allow the device to do its job and do it covertly enough that it doesn't call up the defenses of its enemy too quickly."
" "
"If a word is spelled incorrectly " a letter is wrong " spell check can find it, compare it to a database and make corrections to that precise error while leaving the rest of the word alone, he said. That's basically what we're doing here, except the word in this case are the letters that make up a strand of DNA.
DNA sequences that are close to each other along a chromosome are more likely to be inherited together. So there is a correlation between closeness and likelihood of being transmitted to the next generation of cells and organisms. If 10 people are standing close to each other in a line and water is thrown at a single person the people standing closest to that person are more likely to get wet.
Imagine a jar of jellybeans of different colors. You want to grab a handful of jellybeans 'cause they taste good. You look for a red jellybean and grab it with your hand. You get the red jellybean and all the adjacent jellybeans. The jellybeans closer to the red jellybean are more likely to be scooped up. There is a correlation between jellybean closeness and jellybean extraction.
" gave my mom a way to understand each of the terms. PCR is like a loud speaker. Gene cloning is like the mass production of one item of clothing. Labeled nucleotides are like adding post it notes to something. ddDNA is like a stop sign. Chain terminating sequence is like braille to help you read something. cDNA retracing your steps. RT-PCR is like a copy machine. A microarray is like using a light that shows what you wrote in a glow in the dark pen. Hybridization is like a mixture in a blender. A probe is like testing doors to see which one a certain key works in. "
"Gene splicing is like writing a note with words cut out of a magazine, except that chemicals are the scissors and paste"
"To me cross breeding and trait selection are like a blunt club and gene splicing is like a laser scalpel."
"With the current state of our understanding of genomics, allowing clinical human work on gene splicing is like entrusting children with handguns."
"Gene transfer is like inserting new words in a sentence."
"We can compare this with gene selection: Gene selection is like computers logic, only 0's and 1's. But than again, being 0 or 1 means, there is a %50 chance that it can go either way for every gene. And important aspects of the organism are not only one gene dependent, so there is much more different possibilities than two... "
"Gene regulation is like a pyramid. At the
pyramid's apex are the master regulators, which
control a battery of secondary regulators, which
conerol the final products at the pyramid's base.
That is, some genes cause the synthesis of protein
molecules that control the expression of other
genes, which then cause the synthesis of the
protein molecules that actually make up the cell.
So once a developing cell makes the decision to
switch on a master regulator, that decision deter-
mines everything that happens subsequently "
The linked pdf is an article about brain
" Gene sequencing is like learning the phone numbers for everyone in the world, but we don't really know which number goes to which person--we don't know what all of the gene sequence actually means to health, disease, and other characteristics of humans. So this is very important beginning information that will allow the next phase: functional genetics, or genomics, to unravel what genes do. "
"To make an analogy, gene sequencing is like having a big pile of automobile parts dumped on the floor, and the scientists have to put it all back together again. But there's one big problem: they don't know it's a car - it's just a pile of parts. So they have to take every single little part and try to figure out all the places it could fit. Here's one little screw. You've got to find all the hundreds of different threaded holes it might possibly fit into. That one step narrows down the possibilities for that particular screw to a few dozen, and takes an enormous amount of computing. "
"With all the excitement generated by gene sequences, it is easy to forget that the primary purpose of most genes is to code for proteins. The proteins are biological macromolecules that are of primary importance to all living organisms. If gene sequencing is like the recording of music,then proteins are like the playback"
" The human gene pool is like one gigantic blood bank that has been contaminated. "
" It's hard to find a German Nobel Laureate in medicine or physics who did not have a Jewish wife. Note the number of great song writers who have been married to Jewesses: Paul McCartney, Woody Guthrie, Kurt Cobain, Brian Wilson. Curious, eh? The Jewish gene pool is like the Borg–"we will add you to our collective"–if you are good enough! There are no blacks, Hispanics, nor any group below a certain meridian on that list. So not pure, but always GOOD. These choices of fathers also give one a sense of the qualities that Jewish women seek in a potential father, in Spengler's sense. "
"Illumina gene sequencing is like the mainframe of the 60's. Buy Oxford Nanopore" :-) "
A pendrive contains data in ICs about any programe.similiarly a gene also contains information of any trait to be express in dna sequences coded for a particular trait.
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.