free energy
"Heuristically, the free energy is like a mountain range in which valleys with steep sides are only found high in the mountains (c.f., hanging valleys), while lower valleys are always relatively flat (c.f., U-shaped valleys)."
"Free energy is like an account of completely disposable money, in the best case filled up with the salary from a life tenure job. This is something that is never guaranteed to any particular species, all the more, individual."
"Having two energies both called "free energy" is like having two brothers named Jack. More specifically, they'd be twin brothers; the Gibbs and Helmholtz Energies describe situations with equations easily confused with each other. It's no wonder the IUPAC (the International Union of
Pure and Applied Chemistry) officially refers to the two as Gibbs Energy and Helmholtz Energy, respectively. This shouldn't be a surprise, because that's what they were originally named in the first place! Just keep in mind that some outdated or unsophisticated texts might still use the pseudonyms mentioned above (guised as, say, the title of a module)."
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