"Force is like giving the object a shove, it adds motion in a direction. But since it is added, the object will go faster and faster as long as Force is applied."
"Force is like a push or pull on an object in a certain direction. It is the physical entity that causes an object to accelerate. Units for the magnitude of force include dynes, newtons (symbol N), and pounds (lbs). "
"A way of defining the concept of force is like pushing or attraction; pushing a piece of wood on a table surface, there is a force on the workpiece; However, the formulation of Newton has the advantage of offering a more precise definition of the concept of force. The first law of inertia says that a mobile tends to keep moving at a constant speed while any external force acting on it."
"The First Law of Motion applies to a kite. When the kite is laying on the ground, and there is no wind, the kite is at rest. But when the wind starts to blow, the kite starts to rise, and changes from being at rest, to being in motion. If the kite is in motion, or if the kite is flying, the amount of wind can decrease, and eventually the kite can come down to the ground, and no longer be in motion, the kite will be at rest. The net force is like the wind, and the object is the kite."
Of course in this case the net force is the wind force minus the force of the gravity pulling the kite back to the ground.... For the kite to stay in the air, the force from the wind must be greater than the force of gravity"Star Wars: The Force Awakens is like one big homage to the original Star Wars. Or is it a remake?"
" In many ways, The Force Awakens is like a cover for a song you really love. And in all fairness, that may be exactly what we need right now, ..."
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.