Facs In A Microscope
a: Fluorescence ~
b: the faces of guilty students
What: "Using fluorescence is like the situation where a teacher asks whether the students have done their homework. The rapidly changing facial colours of the "guilty" students provides conclusive "results"." A very Japanese analogy it is.
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 21 2013 6:23 PM
# 3592 Critique Analogy
Giving Light A 2nd Chance
a: Fluorescence ~
b: light recycling
What: "Fluorescence is like light recycling. Fluorescent rocks, laundry detergent additives, paint, and even some animals can re-emit light after something shines on them. Usually we're talking about things getting hit with ultraviolet or 'black' light and re-emitting within the visible spectrum."
Writer: Carolyn L
Date: Aug 21 2013 6:25 PM
# 3593 Critique Analogy
A Literary One
a: Fluorescence ~
b: a middle child
What: "Fluorescence is like the middle child who won't stop with the glasses and the wig but goes for the clown nose and white makeup and the big clown shoes. And yet it's still not funny"
Writer: Adam Szymkowicz
Date: Aug 21 2013 6:28 PM
# 3594 Critique Analogy
For Diamonds
a: Fluorescence ~
b: a fingerprint
What: Did you know that the fluorescence is like a fingerprint? Each diamond is different, it is used to find out exactly where a diamond came from to make sure it it not a "Blood" diamond!
Writer: DBogie
Date: Aug 21 2013 6:30 PM
# 3595 Critique Analogy
A Tennis Ball Analogy
a: Fluorescence ~
b: throwing a tennis ball against the wall
What: Fluorescence is the result of light energy hitting electrons on a molecule, raising them to a higher state, and then as the electrons fall to a lower energy state, they emit light energy that is of a higher wavelength and lower energy state. This affect is scene often on clothing treated with optical brighteners. To use a ball analogy, it's like throwing a tennis ball against a wall. The collision with the wall transforms the tennis ball into a basketball. The larger basketball then bounces off in some other direction.
Writer: LucyShui
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 21 2013 6:40 PM
# 3596 Critique Analogy
a: fluorescence ~
b: glow of your socks at disco bowling
"To recap, bioluminescence is like running through the neighborhood at night with a glow stick,phosphorescence is the glowing stars on your bedroom ceiling and fluorescence is the glow of your socks at disco bowling."
Writer: Kate Hanson
Date: Dec 24 2014 10:44 AM
# 6885 Critique Analogy

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