finding a good women


The Snake Pit De Females?

a: Finding a good women ~
b: plunging your hand into a barrel of poisonous snakes

What: "Choosing the right partner isn't easy: we tend to be swayed by superficialities and what other people think. There's an arabic proverb: "finding a good woman is like plunging your hand into a barrel of poisonous snakes, in the hope of that you will succeeding in pulling out one of the few non-poisonous snakes therein."

Writer: SpokenVerse
Date: Apr 30 2012 3:52 PM

Women As Used Car?

a: Finding a good women ~
b: finding a classic car

What: "Finding a good woman is like finding a classic car. You have to choose carefully. But sometimes the best relationships are the ones you have to work on, like a car, you must look for a good frame and a decent body"

Writer: Jeremy
Date: Apr 30 2012 3:59 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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