film noir
"I remember The Grand! I lived in Parakai for a while as a teen. And later I loved "The Maltese Falcon" and any Bogie flick in fact. Film noir is like going into highly stylised rooms of your soul to figure out what the shadows are up to."
"Since colors could not be distinguished, lighting played that role. In many ways, the lighting in a film noir is like the Norma of the movie itself. Color has caused lighting to be used in a different way. For more practical reasons that aren't always artistic in nature. "
"The basic structure of film noir is like a labyrinth with the hero as the thread running through it. He starts out on a quest - to solve a mystery (Spade, Marlowe, Dana Andrews in LAURA, Bogart in DEAD RECKONING) or else to find work (DETOUR), settle down (KISS OF DEATH), commit murder (THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE, DOUBLE INDEMNITY), become a great boxer (BODY AND SOUL). Yet the road that he chooses, or is chosen for him, does not lead directly."
"To Hibbs, film noir is like the novels of Flannery O'Connor and those religious narratives "that do not circumvent tragedy and the unsavory features of the human ..."
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