feedback loop


a: feedback loop ~
b: a groove on a vinyl record


"A feedback loop is like a groove on a vinyl record and the more often it cycles through, repeating the same process, the deeper the groove becomes. The needle of the record player fits comfortably in that groove, enabling it to play the same song over and over and over without slipping out, turning that process into a habit."

Writer: Gine Martinez
Date: Feb 1 2015 10:31 AM

a: feedback loop ~
b: sweating


"An example of a negative feedback loop is like sweating when you get hot. Positive feedback loops are typically due to human action and do not have a good outcome (Promotes instability.) Negative feedback loops occur most often occur in nature and promote stability."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Feb 1 2015 10:34 AM

a: feedback loop ~
b: communism


"At the risk of being accused of being metaphor drunk, a large, all-encompassing, global feedback loop is like communism: on paper, it's the perfect solution; but in practice, the perfect nightmare. The more distinctive, quirky, and independent the elements encompassed, the worse the results"

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Feb 1 2015 10:38 AM

a: feedback loop ~
b: an input


"Feedback loops are typically used to accomplish regulation and control. A feedback loop is like an input, but its origin is from within the system itself, not from outside the system. In many systems, the output reenters the system as another input. This is exactly what happens with a microphone and speakers when the sound from the speakers feed back into the microphone, often causing a loud squeal."

Writer: Courtney Brown
Date: Feb 1 2015 10:40 AM

Green Venn Diagram

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